十五年戦争下の衣服論議について : 雑誌『被服』を中心として
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Using articles of the magazine, Hifuku, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the discussions concerning Japanese and Western clothes during the fifteen-year war of 1931-1945. The results are as follows; 1. Clothes that were suited for the living conditions during the wartime were found with the efforts to revise Kimono-centered lives and to promote Western clothes. 2. The strengths and weaknesses of the Japanese and Western clothes became clear by the comparison of the two during this time. An increase in unused clothes at home was criticized from economic viewpoint. Reluctance to change the shapes and forms that had been inherited from ancient times prevented Japanese clothes from further improvements. Some people argued for the preservation of Japanese clothes from a historical viewpoint. 3. The wider use of Western clothes was accompanied by the increase of female labor force participation. Additionally, the transformation of Japanese clothes to Western clothes was made possible because of the fit of Western clothes to the social activities of that time. However, wearing Western clothes without understanding their characteristics caused unpleasant feeling among some people.
- 2009-10-01
- 1937年から1945年までの戦時下における被服統制と供給事情
- 十五年戦争下の衣服論議について : 雑誌『被服』を中心として
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