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Analyzing the contents of magazines such as "Hifuku," "Housework and Needlework," and "Studies of Education," this paper examines the trend of making over the old clothing which was encouraged between 1931 and 1945, and problem awareness of elementary school needlework teachers. The results are as follows: 1. The purpose of making over the old clothing was to conserve energy and provide clothing for those in need. The topic of making over the old clothing was included in magazine articles and textbooks in order to promote the importance of needlework at home. 2. Devising and applying skills and technologies became important to recreate the values of clothing that have been used or abandoned. Such skills as dyeing, embroidery, creating of new patterns, and creativity received much attention. 3. The role of elementary school sewing course was to spread the making over old clothing into homes. Sewing teachers, however, considered their role as contributing directly to the national economy.
- 2009-07-01
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