裁縫教授書の洋裁教育 : 1930年代の小学校および1940年代の国民学校
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The aim of this paper is to clarify the teaching materials and methods of guidance in connection with Western dressmaking in elementary schools from 1932-1944. The results were as follows: 1. Western sewing materials of the 1930's, and necessary underwear and clothes for children to carry out daily life were selected as teaching materials for Western dressmaking classes in the 1930's. The increase of Western sewing materials created a confusion of Western and Japanese sewing distribution and made less important the sequence of study content. The teacher's manual mentioned that the shape of the clothes would change in various ways by human shape, function of clothes, relationship of individual personality, and the coordination with jackets. It also mentioned that the variety of shapes has a role to bring out the personality of the person wearing the clothes. There were four methods in regard to drawing dress patterns. The first method was to draw a pattern at first hand. The second method was on the basis of a prototype. The third method was on the basis of "A simple Western Dress". The fourth method was to apply Japanese cutting. Based on differences and common characteristics, Japanese and Western sewing became related to each other. 2. When the 1940s occurred, sewing education had a role in basic training for women under the Imperial nation. The educational view emphasized tradition, reversed the evaluation of Western clothes and kimono, and the importance was made to raise the view and respect for tradition through Japanese sewing. In Western sewing education, basic elements were emphasized and sewing techniques became an elective and not a prerequisite.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2004-07-01
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