- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to investigate the tunnel wall influence on the wake distsibutions behind the ship models in the cavitation tunnel, wake surveys have been conducted both in the towing tank and in the cavitation tunnel using three geosim ship models. The shortened model, which was obtained by reducing the length of fore part of the complete model, was also used only in the cavitation tunnel. Following conclusions were obtained. 1) The circumferential distributions of the axial wake component of three geosim ship models were almost similar in the two test facilities, but the local wake fraction and the mean wake fraction in the cavitation tunnel were higher than in the towing tank at }he same speed of ship model, especially in the case of large model. 2) In the cavitation tunnel, the axial wake component decreased with increasing Reynolds number, but the effect of Reynolds number on the radial and tangential wake component was little as well as in the towing tank. 3) The axial wake component of the shortened model in the cavitation tunnel coincided with that of the complete model in the towing tank without any change of the radial and tangential wake component at the higher Reynolds number.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1980-05-31
岡本 三千朗
門井 弘行
船舶技術研究所 推進性能部
岡本 三千朗
門井 弘行
鈴木 茂
鈴木 茂
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