プロペラ幾何形状の変化がプロペラ特性及びキャビテーション性能に及ぼす影響(その1) : 翼厚さ一幅比及びキャンバー比の変化
- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, many investigations into the development of a new type of propeller, especially from the point of view of high propeller efficiency and better cavitation characteristics, were made. Authors, also, developed a new type of propeller designated the SRI・B type and the propeller design charts were given. However, ships encounter different sea states and the propeller operating conditions change markedly, therefore, a feature of designed propeller is different from the prototype used in producing the design chart. Therefore, the performance of propellers having different geometrical feature from the prototype must be known. This paper deals with an investigation into the effect of the variation of the thickness-chord ratio and the camber ratio of the propeller blades on performances of propeller in performing experiments and theoretical analyses. It may be concluded as follows, 1) It is shown that propeller efficiency, η0, is almost the same at and near design point, even if the thickness-chord ratio, 2t_0/l, change in a range of 20% compared to the prototype. 2) Cavity volume, V_c, on back of the blade, time derivatives of which is closely related to the fluctuating pressure amplitude at the stern, depend on the value of camber ratio, m_0/l (or 2t_0/l). That is, V_c increases due to decreasing m_0/l and increasing m_0/l results in a decrease of V_c. However, increasing m_0/l too much results in a decrease of η_0 and an increase of face cavitation. 3) The difference of pressure distribution on all model propeller blades is shown using theoretical analyses, and a change of area covered with cavity is also shown by a lift equivalent method. 4) There exist the optimum values of 2t_0/l and m_0/l with respect to η_0 and cavitation characteristics especially from the point of view of fluctuating pressure induced by an unsteady cavitation. Optimum values at 0.7 radius are approximately 0.06〜0.07 for 2t_0/l and 0.02〜0.03 for m_0/l respectively.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1989-08-25
岡本 三千朗
門井 弘行
岡本 三千朗
岡本 三千朗
門井 弘行
吉田 三雄
鈴木 茂
鈴木 茂
門井 弘行
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- 3.1.3 プロペラ : 3.1船型改良による省エネルギー : 3.省エネルギー船のための要素技術
- 2 翼車型流速計の動作特性について(昭和45年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
- 1 試験水槽における残留流れについて(昭和45年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
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- FULL-SCALE OBSERVATION ON PROPELLER CAVITATION(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at Societies and Institutions in 1972)
- 3 プロペラのキャビテーションの実船観測と模型試験(昭和45年学協会刊行物掲載論文再録集)
- プロペラのキャビテーションの実船観測と模型試験
- 3翼可変ピッチプロペラの諸特性(推進性能部,所外発表論文等概要)
- 3翼可変ピッチプロペラの諸特性
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