OD01 ZnO/KNbO_3構造におけるSH型表面波と光波との相互作用(光超音波エレクトロニクス,非破壊検査)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 超音波エレクトロニクスの基礎と応用に関するシンポジウム運営委員会の論文
- 2000-11-06
Kawamura Ichiro
Central Research And Development Laboratory Showa Shell Sekiyu K.k.
中村 圭二
中村 僖良
中村 僖良
川村 佳子
中村 僖良
Nakamura K
Department Of Electrical Engineering School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nakamura Keiji
Department Of Electrical Engineering Nagoya University
Nakamura K
Tokyo Electron Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
中村 僖良
National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
- 液体媒質の非線形パラメータB/Aの自動測定
- Multiplexing Performance of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Device
- Phase Transitions in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal TFMHPOBC
- Switching Properties in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Optical Applications
- Successive Phase Transitions in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal 4-(1-methylheptyloxycarbonyl) phenyl 4'-octylcarbonyloxybiphenyl-4-carboxylate (MHPOCBC)
- Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Display Using Tristable Switching
- Layer Structure of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC Studied by X-Ray Diffraction
- Experimental Studies on Phase Transitions in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Dielectric Dispersion in the Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal MHPOBC
- 端部への物体接近による圧電屈曲振動子特性の変化 : 近接センサのための基礎的検討
- 端部への物体接近によって生じる圧電屈曲振動子特性の変化のモデル解析
- P1-C-36 端部への物体接近による屈曲振動子特性の変化とその一考察(バルク波・表面波デバイス,ポスターセッション1(概要講演))
- 屈曲振動板端部への物体接近時に見られる振動子特性の特異現象について
- 分極反転層を有する薄いLiTaO_3回転Y板におけるSH波の温度特性
- KNbO_3結晶におけるBGS表面波の伝搬特性の測定
- 温度勾配により圧電定数を傾斜させた圧電トランスデューサの特性
- A-11-14 LoTaO_3 32°-42°回転Y板上へのZnOの膜のエピタキシャル成長
- Alignment Layers for Ferro and Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Cells
- Competition between Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Interactions Stabilizing Varieties of Phases in Binary Mixtures of Smectic Liquid Crystals
- Reentrant Antiferroelectric Phase in 4-(1-Methylheptyloxycarbonyl)phenyl 4'-Octylbiphenyl-4-Carboxylate
- Layer Compression Modulus in Smectic Liquid Crystals
- Layer Compression Modulus of Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystals Showing V-shaped Switching : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- Characteristics of Ultrasonic Suction Pump Without Moving Parts
- P2-4 分極反転層を形成したLiNbO_3トランスデューサの固体媒質への超音波放射特性(ポスターセッション2(概要講演))
- PMN-PTにおけるバルク波及び表面波の伝搬特性と電気機械結合係数(一般・材料)
- 圧電結晶・デバイスの研究に携わって
- KNbO_3板の圧電縦効果幅縦振動の電気機械結合係数について
- 分極反転層を形成したLiNbO_3トランスデューサの固体媒質への超音波放射特性
- A-11-3 SMR 型圧電薄膜共振子の温度特性改善
- A-11-2 ECR-PLD 法による KNbO_3 圧電薄膜の成長
- 分極反転層を有するLiNbO_3板を用いた広帯域超音波トランスデューサ
- 新しい圧電結晶KNbO_3の魅力
- ハーモニックメージング用LiNbO_3トランスデューサ
- A-11-12 KNbO_3結晶を用いたVHF帯超音波トランスデューサの試作
- エネルギー閉じ込め型LiTaO3圧電振動ジャイロ (特集1 最近のセンサデバイス)
- P3-28 λ/4音響多層膜を用いたGHz帯ZnO圧電薄膜共振子(ポスターセッション3,ポスター発表)
- 励振電界を傾斜化した複合圧電材料とその無回折ビームトランスデューサへの応用
- LiTaO_3回転Y板を用いたエネルギー閉じ込め型振動ジャイロ
- ZnO/42°Y-X LiTaO_3におけるSH-SAW特性
- ZnO/Y-X LiNbO_3構造におけるSH-SAW伝搬特性の測定
- c軸が基板表面に平行なZnO膜の極性判別方法
- Functionally Graded Broadband Ultrasound Transducer Created by Forming an Internal Temperature Gradient : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- A Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Material Created by an Internal Temperature Gradient : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Variation of Bending-Vibrator Characteristics when an Object is Brought into Close Proximity with the Vibrator End
- Enhancement of Second-Harmonic Generation in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals with a Helical Structure Distorted by an Electric Field
- Grazing Incidence In-Plane X-Ray Diffraction Study on Oriented Copper Phthalocyanine Thin Films
- Enhancement of Second-Harmonic Generation in Helical Ferroelectric Liquid-Crystal Cells under Oblique Incidence : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- 分極反転層を利用したハーモニックイメージング用高周波超音波トランスデューサ
- PE06 非線形第2高調波を受波できる超音波集束ガウス音源(ポスターセッションI)
- 分極反転LiNbO_3結晶を用いた超音波トランスデューサの試作
- LiNbO3結晶の分極反転層を用いた超音波トランスデューサの特性解析
- Liquid Crystals Align Liquid Crystals : Structure and Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Condensed Matter
- An Ultrasonic Suction Pump with No Physically Moving Parts
- Holding Mechanism Using a Resonance System for a High-Power Ultrasonic Linear Motor
- Waveforms of the Vibration Velocity and the Current of a Piezoelectric Transducer in the Transient State
- An Analysis of Jumping and Dropping Phenomena of Piezoelectric Transducers using the Electrical Equivalent Circuit Constants at High Vibration Amplitude Levels
- An estimation of vibration intensity from the measured vibration locus at one point
- Finite Element Method Aided Power Flow Mapping of an Ultrasonic Vibration Tool
- A Multi-Transducer Near Field Acoustic Levitation System for Noncontact Transportation of Large-Sized Planar Objects
- Two-joint robot finger design based on multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic motors(Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007))
- A method for measuring liquid level using the flexural vibrations in a rod
- A basic design of robot finger joint using multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic motor
- Ultrasonic linear motor using traveling vibration on fine ceramic twin ridges
- P3-66 A robot finger joint driven by Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic actuator(Poster session 3)
- P3-51 A self-running ultrasonic levitated linear guide(Poster session 3)
- P3-50 Improvement in the Flow Rate of a Miniature Ultrasonic Suction Pump(Poster session 3)
- P3-10 Measurements of Intense Ultrasound Field in Air Using a Fiber Optic Probe.(Poster session 3)
- P2-60 A 2D-Array of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Actuators(Poster session 2)
- P2-24 A high frequency optical scanner using flexural vibration of an optical fiber(Short oral presentation for posters)
- E-3 A Miniature Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Ultrasonic Motor(Bulk wave devices, High power ultrasound)
- H-3 Performance Characteristics of A 0.017 cc Linear Microactuator using Flexural Vibration in A Pair of Asymmetric Fins(Medical ultrasound, High power ultrasound)
- V溝構造により広帯域化を図った無回折ビーム超音波トランスデューサ
- Equivalent Network Analysis of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Transducers
- Estimation of Epitaxial Temperature Using X-Ray Diffraction for Si Films Grown on (100) Si by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- X-Ray Diffraction from Low-Temperature-Grown Silicon Films with Small Surface Roughness
- Measurement of intense ultrasound field in air using fiber optic probe (Special issue: Ultrasonic electronics)
- Evaluation of Outermost Surface Temperature of Silicon Substrates during UV-Excited Ozone Oxidation at Low Temperature
- Synthesis and thermal conductivity of boron-doped and 12C-enriched diamond single crystals
- Relationship between Ozone Oxidation and Stress Evolution on an H-Terminated Si Surface
- Efficient Free-Exciton Recombination Emission from Diamond Diode at Room Temperature : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Current Injection Free-Exciton Recombination Emission from Synthesized Diamond
- BGS表面波に与える電極薄膜の影響の検討
- Linear and Nonlinear Operations of Optically Addressed Spatial Light Modulators Using Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal
- Tristable Operation of Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Light Valves Optically Addressed Using Amorphous Silicon Photosensor
- 2005年秋季研究発表会
- λ/4音響多層膜を用いた圧電薄膜共振子の試作
- オーバートーン厚み振動子を利用した薄膜の音響特性評価
- A-11-5 オーバートーン厚み振動子を利用した薄膜の音響特性評価
- SA-5-5 振動ジャイロ用短冊状LiTaO_3厚みすべり振動子
- 短冊状LiNbO_3振動子の直交厚みすべり振動
- SAWデバイス用圧電結晶基板とその特性
- KNbO_3結晶の分域構造と圧電特性
- Highly Aligned α-Type Copper Phthalocyanine Formed on Rubbed Polymide Alignment Layer
- A-11-15 有極性多分域KNbO_3結晶とその圧電特性
- OD01 ZnO/KNbO_3構造におけるSH型表面波と光波との相互作用(光超音波エレクトロニクス,非破壊検査)
- A-11-1 [001]_方向に分極したKNbO_3単結晶の圧電特性
- ZnO/KNbO_3構造におけるSH型表面波-光波相互作用の解析
- 圧電結晶の分極反転とそのデバイスへの応用
- Analysis of Piezoelectric Thin Film Resonators with Acoustic Quarter-Wave Multilayers