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This paper presents the results of the calcareous nannofossil investigation of 29 samples collected from an unnamed shallow marine, mollusk-bearing clastic formation in the Danao basin of central Bohol, Philippines. The study was conducted in order to refine the stratigraphy and age of the Neogene formations in the island. Based on the occurrence of Discoaster quinqueramus and Discoaster berggrenii, the nannofossil NN1 1 zone is recognized. This suggests a Late Miocene age for the sandstone-siltstone sequences with calcarenite interbeds exposed in Danao, which have been previously mapped as part of the Middle Miocene Carmen Formation. The presence of cooler oceanographic conditions during the Late Miocene in the Visayan Basin is also suggested.
栗原 行人
Department of Geology, National Museum of Nature and Science
加瀬 友喜
Department of Geology and Paleontology, National Museum of Nature and Science
Fernando Allan
National Institute Of Geological Sciences University Of The Philippines
栗原 行人
栗原 行人
Maac-Aguilar Yolanda
Petrolab, Mines and Geosciences Bureau
Maac-aguilar Yolanda
Petrolab Mines And Geosciences Bureau
加瀬 友喜
Department Of Geology And Paleontology National Museum Of Nature And Science
Fernandez Adrian
National Institute of Geological Sciences, University of the Philippines
Fernandez Adrian
National Institute Of Geological Sciences University Of The Philippines
栗原 行人
Department Of Geology National Museum Of Nature And Science
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