ロボット・セラピーの可能性に関する一考察 : 福祉・介護におけるペット・ロボット応用の研究(5)
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In this paper, we report the trial of robot therapy in which pet-type robots are applied to the welfare and the care of the aged people. In order to evaluate the validity of robot therapy quantitatively, the impression and effect of RAA (Robot Assisted Activities) were analyzed by carrying out RAA from a viewpoint of an evaluator's position, a subject's living environment, and the state of mind and body. The member at the facilities where the subject lives and the intervention person who mediates between the subject and the robot consider together that RAA is useful. However, different evaluation between the facility member and an intervention person was made according to the level of the dementia. The communication occurs between the subject with little dementia and the intervention person by playing with robot, and the intervention person thinks that it is a social effect and gives high evaluation. On the other hand, the facility member detects a little change of look of the subject who has dementia, and thinks that a few good reactions occur by RAA and gives high evaluation. Also, there is little difference in the impression and the effect of RAA according to the animal breeding experience and the level of ADL (Activities of Daily Living). There was a little different evaluation between the facility member and the intervention person, but generally the evaluation of RAA is high. So we conclude that RAA is useful.
- 宇都宮共和大学の論文
橋本 智己
赤澤 とし子
松本 義雄
浜田 利満
橋本 智己
浜田 利満
松本 義雄
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