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The change in viscosity of yolk coming from its water content by dilution with distilled water and by concentration with infrared rays was measured and studied from the stoichiometric standpoint. The Mooney's viscosity formula for suspension modified by Ishikawa, log η_r/Z_v=k/(1-λZ_v), where Z_v is the volume fraction of yolk and k is a constant, can be applied, taking k=2.60 and λ as the four sets of linear function of Z_v suggesting probably: (i) the formation of a hydrate as fresh yolk from anhydrous yolk, (ii) the formation of complete fresh yolk, (iii) the disintegration of hydrate constitution of yolk by dilution, and (iv) at about Z_v=0.2619 perfect emulsification begins and continues to about Z_v=0.1044. Referring the above results to the literature of viscosity of binary mixtures to form a cusp in viscosity vs composition curve, one may arrive at a conclusion that at the composition ratio of yolk formation a molecular compound occrus between anhydrous yolk and water.
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