老人の栄養 その1 : 起居自由および起居不自由老人の自宅と施設における栄養摂取状況
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For this study, we conducted an on-the-spot investigation of the nutritional condition of elderly people both those who were healthy and those confined to bed dwelling at home and in an institution for the aged. At the same time a survey was made of the meals served in the families of the elderly people living at home to find out the nutritional content of the diet each elderly person living at home was receiving. The results obtained were as follows: 1. When classified by districts, the nutritional differences of the elderly living at home both healthy and confined to bed was affected by the type of employment most prevalent in the area where the person lived. Especially between the elderly in Minami-motoe district and Heiwa district small differences were found in the amount of their energy, carbohydrates and vitamin intake. 2. When comparing the amount of nutrients of both the healthy elderly and those confined to bed at home it was found that as they become older they eat less energy producing foods. However, for those living in the institution, both healthy and confined to bed, no difference was found. 3. When the sexes were compared, whether living at home or in the institution, healthy or confined to bed, it was found that the nutritional intake of the men was higher than that of the women. 4. For both the elderly living at home and in the institution whether healthy or confined to bed, it was found that the intake of micronutrient elements such as Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B_2 was insufficient. Especially for the elderly at home, both healthy and confined to bed, it was found that the intake of Calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B_2 and Vitamin C was low. 5. When we consider the intake of Vitamin A and Calcium for all the elderly, either living at home or in the institution, healthy or confined to bed, it was found that the food served was low in Vitamin A and the intake was even lower. Also it was found that the amount of Calcium contained food served was insufficient, and the intake was conspicuously insufficient. 6. When comparing the amount of food served with the amount actually eaten, it was found that the healthy elderly ate almost all they were served, but those elderly confined to bed ate much less than they were served. Moreover, for those confined to bed, the ratio of food served to food eaten differed according to the type of nutrient elements.
- 活水女子大学の論文
中里 富美子
左 篤子
赤司 一武
左 篤子
左 篤子
長崎大学 水産
槌本 六良
関 タマノ
古場 久代
人見 節子
古場 久代
赤司 一武
中里 富美子
中里 富美子
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