- 論文の詳細を見る
The subject of this article is to inquire into the relationship between the human life and its ends, especially from the educational point of view. A report from Nazi's concentration-camp shows that, without a consciousness of the meaning of life, one could not live on even in physical sence. This fact suggests us the actual importance of ends of life, and the same situation will be also found in the field of education. On this point, the writer tries to criticize Dewey's view on the ends of education. According to Dewey, the ends of education lies inside the educational process itself, and the ends from outside the process must be rejected. But the writer thinks as follows: First; an end from outside does not determine the whole process rigidly into details, but it is a motive to start the process, and it promotes the spontaneity. So, the end from the outside at the outset does not always remain out of the process, but it becames inside as a part of the whole process. Second; if the ends are regarded simply as an inherent part of the process, in other words, as ends in view, the only criterion is the "continuity of process." But this is merely intellectual and technical criterion. The value of the process itself can not be examined without "transcendental" end as the criterion.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 自由放任から自由のための企画へ : 主としてデューイに連関して
- Mediumによる教育ということ : Deweyに関連して
- 民主主義を生かすもの : プラグマティズムと理想主義
- 「筋を通す」ということ : 倫理と教育とのかかわり
- 道徳教育の効果をめぐって
- 観念・道徳・教育 : プラグマティズムの一考察
- 教育の目的について
- 民主主義と教説
- 民主的人間 : 素描(所感と報告)
- 民主教育の基本理念としての人間の尊厳について
- 民主主義教育の哲学的基礎
- 民主主義の根底にあるもの
- 教育哲学についての一つの主張 : 教育の機会均等の問題に連関して