観念・道徳・教育 : プラグマティズムの一考察
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"Peace," "the dignity of man," "respect for learning" and the like are fine ideas, but extremely difficult to realize in actual life situations. For there is a tendency that ideas can easily be separated from practices, while at the same time man has a strong inclination to absolutize himself. This is because he forgets the fact that man is born into a specific society which is already set in customs and institutions, and therefore he lives in close interaction with his environment. Hence it is very hard for him to live in accordance with reason alone. How can man avoid committing this error of consecrating his self-assertions? Pragmatists considered man in relation to his environment and customs, and insisted on deliberating the consequences when choosing some means to realize an idea. In such a way of thinking, ideas and authorities are denied a priori values, and are considered to be of functional value as instruments contributing to the development of experience and growth. Its criteria of value judgement are principles of continuity and interaction of experience. It now comes to be a question of what kind of growth and experience is expected. When John Dewey mentions "a higher quality of experience" or "a better quality of experience," what kind of experience does he mean by it? Pragmatism itself, which is completely a theory of method, does not give any objective criteria for judging the quality of growth and experience. So it seems that a sort of "a unified outlook on the world" or a certain view on "an ideal type of man" is to be assumed implicitly in the background of pragmatism. Man has various desires in the process of his growth and existence. Human desires are constructed, so to speak, in layers, and range from the highly elevated to the egoistic and brutal. It cannot be expected that man's desire to live up to his dignity becomes dominant and definite of its own accord: nor that "intelligence" finally succeeds to find the best way for mankind all by itself. These manifold desires are to be transformed through the oughtconsciousness provided by ethics in order that man may aim at better growth. This ought-consciousness is the "Guidance" given by the transcendental being which comprehends all the people and the world. We can set ourselves free from our tendency to persist absolutely in our own view, and take attitudes befitting the ideas after which we strive, only when we accept certain ideas as "Imperatives" from that comprehensive transcendental being, not as instruments contributing to growth. This very process of pursuing the ultimate for man must be recognized as the true moral education which is most helpful to all in the deepest sense of the word.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 自由放任から自由のための企画へ : 主としてデューイに連関して
- Mediumによる教育ということ : Deweyに関連して
- 民主主義を生かすもの : プラグマティズムと理想主義
- 「筋を通す」ということ : 倫理と教育とのかかわり
- 道徳教育の効果をめぐって
- 観念・道徳・教育 : プラグマティズムの一考察
- 教育の目的について
- 民主主義と教説
- 民主的人間 : 素描(所感と報告)
- 民主教育の基本理念としての人間の尊厳について
- 民主主義教育の哲学的基礎
- 民主主義の根底にあるもの
- 教育哲学についての一つの主張 : 教育の機会均等の問題に連関して