自由放任から自由のための企画へ : 主としてデューイに連関して
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It is well known that in 18th and 19th centuries the liberalism gave rise to economic "laissez-faire", supported by the conviction that the pursuit of self-interest would lead to the common well-being through the control of the Unseen Hand. As the pursuit of self-interest was thus given a sort of moral approval, there prevailed an extreme free competition in the industrial world. Since the competition was carried out with the disparity of gift and fortune, it has become naturally, so to speak, a race without handicap or a match without weight limit. And it resulted in the survival of the fittest and produced, from humane point of view, a very severe and cruel scene. From about the beginning of this century an effort has been made to save the liberalism from this bankruptcy and self contradiction. This liberalism of 20th century is accompanied with the idea that one should impose a voluntary restriction on his freedom so that "an equally shared freedom" might be secured to all people. It aims at a deliberate social planning, which is certainly a "planning for freedom." This means that man has started to take responsibility for the task of control which was expected for the Unseen Hand. Therefore this planning is a social and group effort in view of an ideal image of society. These efforts are toward the reconstruction of the society as "an integrated whole", where no one is alienated and everyone can enjoy the equal share of freedom. However, since man exists as a part encompassed by this whole, the problem is how to interpret properly the vision of the whole, and how to grasp correctly the aims of social planning which will actualize the vision.
- 自由放任から自由のための企画へ : 主としてデューイに連関して
- Mediumによる教育ということ : Deweyに関連して
- 民主主義を生かすもの : プラグマティズムと理想主義
- 「筋を通す」ということ : 倫理と教育とのかかわり
- 道徳教育の効果をめぐって
- 観念・道徳・教育 : プラグマティズムの一考察
- 教育の目的について
- 民主主義と教説
- 民主的人間 : 素描(所感と報告)
- 民主教育の基本理念としての人間の尊厳について
- 民主主義教育の哲学的基礎
- 民主主義の根底にあるもの
- 教育哲学についての一つの主張 : 教育の機会均等の問題に連関して