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Education aims at making man as he "is" what he "ought to be." Therefore, his outlook on life plays the decisive role in thinking how he "ought to be." Democtatic outlook on life is based on the idea of dignity of man. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights says in part: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Here we see that the dignity of man is not a relative but abosolute value. It is a widely-accepted idea that "Reason" is the basis of human dignity. Its typical form is moral philosophy of Kant. It finds the ultimate basis of human dignity in the consciousness of moral law on the part of man, and not in the Creator who created man as a reasonable being. Dignity of man can be established not when man relies upon his own capacity and effort, but only when man encounters the absolute transcendental Being through the denial of his existence. Infinite dignity of man is conferred to man when the effort of man which is denied on this side is recovered from His side "Nevertheless." Thus, the man who is subjectively finite comes to be related with the Infinite. This way of thinking would be most appropriate to understand the dignity of man as the fundamental idea of democratic education.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
- 自由放任から自由のための企画へ : 主としてデューイに連関して
- Mediumによる教育ということ : Deweyに関連して
- 民主主義を生かすもの : プラグマティズムと理想主義
- 「筋を通す」ということ : 倫理と教育とのかかわり
- 道徳教育の効果をめぐって
- 観念・道徳・教育 : プラグマティズムの一考察
- 教育の目的について
- 民主主義と教説
- 民主的人間 : 素描(所感と報告)
- 民主教育の基本理念としての人間の尊厳について
- 民主主義教育の哲学的基礎
- 民主主義の根底にあるもの
- 教育哲学についての一つの主張 : 教育の機会均等の問題に連関して