- 論文の詳細を見る
This is the first part of a report on research which has been undertaken by a psychologist, the senior author, and three anthropologists. The second part contains empirical studies of the child rearing pattern and personality development made at a rural community in the central Japan. In Japan there has been done no significant work in the field of culture and personality, particularly of child rearing patterns and personality development, whereas many fruitful studies on the subject have been undertaken by anthropologists and psychologists in the U.S. since the 1930's. However, some attempts have been undertaken recently in Japan in two kinds of studies; 1) experimental and critical studies of patterns of feeding, weaning and toilet training which were expressly pointed out as important factors in children's personality development by psychoanalytic researchers, 2) supplementary studies following the studies previously done by foreign researchers on parent-child relationship. The authors have been interested in relationships between traditional child-rearing patterns in rural areas in Japan and personality types of Japanese people. They have attempted to make an intensive and collaborative investigations at a hamlet (buraku), in Kaida-mura (village) of Nagano-ken (prefecture) in central Japan, where a specific way of handling children has been the custom for a long time. Use is made of a basket of straw, which is called "Ejiko (Izumi, or Koshiki)", in which an infant is swaddled and kept all day long. The custom is not so commonly seen at present as in previous days. However, it calls the authors' attention to a similar use of a cradle among the American Indians who have been studied extensively by American anthropologists. The procedures, results and discussions of the research at the hamlet will be reported in the next issue of this journal. The following are contents of the present review of articles and books previously published in this field. 1. Child-rearing patterns in terms of training of basic habits: i) Feeding and weaning ii) Toilet training iii) Restriction of Motions iv) Physical contact between mother and child 2. Child rearing pattern and socialization processes of children. i) Communication as means of socialization ii) Family as a milieu of socialization iii) Patterns of discipline (or sanction) 3. Conclusive remarks. In Chapter 1, the Freudian theories on child development, particularly those of Erikson and Ribble, are introduced, and anthropological studies related to child-rearing practices in primitive cultures made by Sapir, Benedict, M. Mead, Kardiner are reviewed. The work of Gorer, La Barre and Benedict, who studied Japanese, are specially referred to. The views of Orlansky, Sewell and Haring who were critical toward psychoanalytical theories on the basis of their own empirical observation are quoted, the results of a study of "the psychological influences of child rearing pattern" done by Ishiguro and Asahi (Japanese child-psychologists) are introduced. Tables are presented showing the time of completion of weaning among Japanese children on the basis of findings by Japanese anthropologists and pediatricians. As to customs of swaddling child and use of cradle, analyses of Erikson, Honingman and Kluckhohn are cited in order to construct a hypothesis concerning the psychological influences of the use of "Ejiko" upon development of Japanese rural children. Probable effects of close physical relationship between Japanese mother and child, which is observed in such phenomena as "Soe-ne" (sleeping together) or "Ombu" (carrying on the back) are compared with mother-child physical relationships in Western countries. In Chapter 2, the significance of child-rearing patterns, which enforce children obtain certain behavior patterns required by their society and culture, is considered after certain theoretical views of psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists on the functions of family are introduced. Child rearing patterns are shown to differ from one culture to another, from one family to another, depending upon sex, age and sibling relation of children, family structure and status, occupation, education and personality of their parents. Studies on patterns of discipline and those on the effect of parental attitude and personality of children are especially reviewed. Anthropological, sociological, sociological and psychological studies are briefly described in terms of three points: method, patterns observed, and relations between cultural patterns and personality development. In conclusion it is the authors' feeling that the importance and significance of early child-rearing patterns should not be overestimated and one should carefully observe the whole processes of socialization, which continue through late childhood and adolescence with gradual change, in order to determine the cultural components of personality development in any culture.
- 国際基督教大学の論文
星野 命
星野 命
祖父江 孝男
祖父江 孝男
須江 ひろ子
今井 義量
- 国際家族の文化的アイデンティティをめぐる諸問題
- 沿岸居住者(中学生)の海・船に対する心理構造--イメ-ジと危険への態度 (日本の沿岸文化-2-)
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- 幼少期の原風景としての風土-3-恐怖・不安のイメ-ジ (日本の風土)
- 幼少期の原風景としての風土-2-原風景の心理的測定法の検討 (日本の風土)
- 幼少期の原風景としての風土-序-その心理的意味とパタ-ン (日本の風土)
- 3 測定・評価 : e 人格III(日本教育心理学会第9回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 6 教育社会心理 : a 社会・文化(日本教育心理学会第8回総会部門別研究発表題目・討論の概要)
- 学会賞受賞特別寄稿 人間性・人格・対人関係再再考--G.W.オルポートらの見解を手がかりとして
- 「異文化間教育心理学の課題と展望」
- 天国へと飛び去った都留先生を悼んで
- 35周年記念号の特集に寄せて(35周年記念)
- 問題状況における行動のし方に関する心理治療者の態度
- 育児様式とパーソナリティ(その一)
- シンポジウム「現代日本の高等教育-その現状と課題-」(国際基督大学教育研究所創立35周年記念)
- 質問紙による幼児の依存性の研究
- Doll Play場面における幼児の行動の研究
- ドルプレイ場面における幼児の行動と研究 第1報告 : 学級・幼児
- 第2セッション : 校内暴力と青年心理学(「校内暴力と青年心理学」)
- Cross-cultural Researchのまとめと展望 (クロス・カルチュラル)
- 815 家族関係の社会文化的背景 : 2. 家族階層・地域文化と教育環境(8.社会)
- 814 家族関係の社会文化的背景 : 1. 調査の概要(8.社会)
- I. 発達課題を考える(シンポジウム1,準備委員会企画シンポジウム)
- 日本におけるDeath Educationの今日的課題(自主シンポジウム 9)
- 野村昭, 『社会と文化の心理学』, 京都, 北大路書房, 1987
- 仕事と「出会い」において「ひと中心」を実現した人 : 都留春夫先生
- 海外成長日本人の文化的ポテンシャル(海外帰国子女の心理学的課題)
- 異文化間教育心理学研究
- 電話によるカウンセリング関係の問題点 : 電話によるカウンセリング関係をめぐって : 自主シンポジウムV
- 電話によるカウンセリング関係の問題点(電話によるカウンセリング関係をめぐって,自主シンポジウムV)
- 海外帰国児童・生徒受け入れに関する小学校・中学校教師の意識調査
- 藤岡喜愛著, 『イメージ : その全体像を考える』, NHK ブックス 431, 日本放送出版協会, 1983, 226 頁+註 22 頁, 750 円
- 異文化間教育心理学の課題と展望(自主シンポジウム V)
- 第1セッション : 校内暴力の現状と対策 : 校内暴力ととりくみ(1)(「校内暴力と青年心理学」)
- 人間関係訓練,特にSensitivity Trainingの効果に関する一研究
- 米国人類学者による日本研究 : 展望と評価
- 人類学概説,石田英一郎・寺田和夫・石川栄吉著,日本評論新社,昭和33年7月,定価800円,296頁
- 817 家族関係の社会文化的背景 : 4. 父母の達成価値志向を中心として(8.社会)
- 816 家族関係の社会文化的背景 : 3. 父母の期待を中心として(8.社会)
- 社会1
- 藤岡喜愛著, 『イメージと人間精神人類学の視野』, NHKブックス, 日本放送出版協会, 1974, 230頁。, (第1刷, 昭和49年8月24日発行, 600円)
- 2.概観 : 臨床(A 教育心理学20年の歴史と展望)
- 「異文化間研究」特集のことば (クロス・カルチュラル)
- クロス・カルチュラル
- A-3 第3分科会 人格・臨床(A 教育心理学会総会20年の歴史と展望,特別シンポジウム,日本教育心理学会総会20周年記念行事)
- Japanese Culture and Behavior : Selected Readings., Edited by Takie Sugiyama Lebra and William P. Lebea, The Uuiversity Press of Hawaii, 1974
- 312 生徒・児童の社会的規範・権威に対する態度 : 六ヵ国共同研究 第二報(その1)(発達)
- 337 基督教主義学校生徒の宗教意識と宗教行為(その2)(人格III,3.測定・評価)
- 336 基督教主義学校生徒の宗教意識と宗教行為(その1)(人格III,3.測定・評価)
- 岡部先生の個人主義
- 627 生徒・児童の社会的規範・権威に対する態度 : 六ヶ国共同研究 第一報(その2)(6.教育社会心理)
- 626 生徒・児童の社会的規範・権威に対する態度 : 六ヶ国共同研究 第一報(その1)(6.教育社会心理)
- 313 基督教主義学校生徒の宗教意識と宗教的概念に対する態度について(3 人格)
- 303 基督教主義学校生徒の宗教意識と宗教的概念に対する態度について
- Francis L. K. HSU. (ed.), Psychological Anthropology : Approaches to Culture and Personality, Homewood, Illinois, The Dorsey Press, 1961, 520p.
- 自己記述にあらわれた自己態度の安定性
- 自己の態度の比較的研究(そのII) : 16.態度・地域差
- 今西錦司著, 『村と人間』, 1952 年 10 月, 新書評論社刊, B6 判, 234 頁, 250 円
- 369 青年期における異文化体験の自尊感情と自我同一性に及ぼす影響(青年期・自我同一性,発達18,発達)
- 祖父江孝男著, 行動する人間, 須田昭義・泉靖一監修, 「科学ノート人間の解明, 第 4 巻」, 昭和 34 年 9 月 30 日, 日本評論新社, B6 判, 180 頁, 280 円