人間関係訓練,特にSensitivity Trainingの効果に関する一研究
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Sesibility training aims to change a personality by means of the interpersonal process of the group. It provides a participant with opportunities to understand his own feeling and how they affect his behavior toward others, to become more sensitive to the ways people communicate with each other, to learn how a person affects groups and how groups affect him, and to learn how to help a group function more effectively. This study was designed to measure the personality or attitude change which was brought about by Sensitivity Training. The hypotheses were follows: 1) One's self-concept becomes more positive by his participation in S.T. 2) In the process of training a change occurs after a certain period of time when the self-concept is negative. The subjects were nurses who participated in a Leadership, Training Laoratory held in March of 1967. There were two T-groups (n=22), each of which consisted of 11 females, plus a male "trainer". The age of the subjects ranged from 29 to 44 years, with a median age of 37.5. The training lasted for 10 day. During that time the participants met every day for two hours in the same T-group. Other meetings were held for Nursing Reserch, Clinical Training and General Session. The Yatabe-Guilford Inventory (YG) and the Self-Concept Test by means of the Semantic Differential Method (SD) were used to measure personality changes. The first test was given before T-group training, the second was given during the latter part of the first week (SD only), the third was given at the end of the T-group session, and the fourth six months later. The following results were obtained through statistical analysis: 1) When examining the discrepancy between mean scores of various sub-scales of the YG obtained from the first test and the third test respectively, no significant differences were fround. However, there were significant differences between mean scores obtained from the first and the fourth test respectively in the following groups, and sub-scales: Group A-inferiority feelings (I), nervouseness (N), lack of cooperativeness (Co); Group B-lack of agreeableness (Ag). Also, a significant difference was found between the scores of the third and the fourth test on the (N) scale in Group B. When comparing the type of adjustment shift of the subjects (N=22), more than half appeared to have changed negatively, i.e. from "secure" to "insecure", whereas only five had changed to "secure" between the first and the third test. However, a reversed change was revealed in comparison to the first and the fourth results. 2) The self-concept test (SD) revealed that there was a significant difference of the average scores of factor I and II between the first and the second testing, and also those of facor III between the first and the fourth testing, both given to Group A. This meant that the self-image became more "positive" and "firm", more "correct" and "thoughtfull" and more "clear and "consistent" immediately after, and 6 months after, the group session. But this was not revealed in Group B. From these results it is difficult to substantiate hypotheses 1) and 2) with a high level of significance. But the following difference tendencies were found between Group A and Group B to a certain degree. Namely, on the YG Group A was more socially adjusted than Group B. This difference was considered as based on various variables, such as the structure of the group, the character of the trainer, and the trainer invented. It is also likely that the way the members of Group A were changed in a positive direction in accordance with the hypothesis. Generally speaking, the degree of the change was higher at the time of the test given in six months later than that given immediately after the group process. It was also indicated that the direction of the change was more in line with hypothesis I. There is, however, a weekpoint in this study, due to the fact that various other activities which took place at the same time could not be controlled. The effect of "pure" sensitively training could therefore not be fully measured.
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