Metabolic Fitnessを反映した呼気ガス代謝変量
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Patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) and type II diabetes mellitus (Type II DM) have been thought to have muscular mitochondrial dysfunction and higher intramuscular lipid content accompanied by the decreased glucose utilization due to insulin-resistance (IR). On the other hand, metabolic fitness (MF), one of components of health-related fitness, is the concept developed by Bouchard and Shephard (1994), which includes four factors of glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, and substrate oxidation characteristics at rest and during exercise. The decreased MF level is therefore expected to be strongly associated with the appearance of diseases of both MS and Type II DM. Consequently, if the MF level without appearance of the diseases could be detected by a convenient, indirect measure reflected the metabolic abnormality in muscular tissue, this measure would be a strong indicator for assessment of the prediabetic status in the screening test, which in turn would be useful in prevention for the development of diseases such as MS and Type II DM. To my knowledge, there has been no study so far as to the assessment of the MF level from a noninvasive/indirect measure. Recently, several studies have suggested the possibility in assessment of the MS level from respiratory gas exchange parameters during exercise in different aspects from maximal oxygen uptake (VO_2max). This brief review will outline the components of health-related fitness related to glucose and lipid metabolism in peripheral tissues, and focus on whether respiratory gas exchange parameters during exercise related to the MS level exist or not, and how the MS level can be detected by respiratory gas exchange parameters.
- 久留米大学の論文
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