行動連鎖中断法による要求言語行動の促進 : 自閉性障害のある対象児の課題の好みと言語的反応の生起
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The purposes of the present study were to use behavior chain interruption strategy to teach mands to a boy with autistic spectrum disorders and intellectual disability, and to examine whether the occurrence of mands and their antecedent stimuli would change depending on the boy's task preference. First, the boy's task preference was assessed using his on-task behavior as an index, and second, the occurrence of verbal requests in both preferred and non-preferred tasks was studied. The desired objects were the tools necessary to complete each task; this was arranged so that the topography of the mands would be the same for both tasks. The results showed that verbal requests occurred as a result of vicarious reinforcement in his preferred task; they did not occur in the non-preferred task. The results were discussed in terms of the necessity of the assessment of preference when teaching mands.
- 2005-03-31
加藤 元繁
多田 昌代
多田 昌代
Education, Psychology and Disability Sciences Branch, Academic Service Office for Comprehensive Huma
加藤 元繁
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba
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