57(P-33) カイトセファリンの全合成研究(ポスター発表の部)
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Kaitocephalin (1) was isolated from Eupenicillium shearii by Seto et al. Kaitocephalin exhibits antagonist activities against AMPA/KA receptors in mammalian CNS and has an intriguing structure in which alanine (left side chain) and threonine (right side chain) moieties were connected with a central α,α-disubstituted proline moiety through carbon-carbon bonds. We herein report synthetic study of optically active kaitocephalin by the consecutive couplings of the right and left side chains to the α-formyl pyroglutamic acid (10). The synthesis was commenced with an optically active α-(hydroxymethyl)glutamic acid (8) that was prepared by an asymmetric version of the Strecker synthesis. The glutamate 8 was converted to α-formylpyroglutamic acid (10) in 6 steps. The right threonine moiety was constructed by the following sequence of reactions: i) Wittig olefination, ii) dihydroxylation, iii) regioselective substitution with sodium azide via thionocarbonate 13. Prior to introduce the alanine left chain, 16 was transformed to Boc lactam 17 by an acetonide-migration reaction. A stereoselective allylation reaction to an acyliminium intermediate generated from 18 was achieved by choosing the reaction conditions to afford each allylated adducts 21 and 22 as an exclusive diastereomer at C7. The exo-olefin of the allylated product 21 was transformed to fully protected 7-epi and 7, 9-epi-kaitocephalin 26 by the following transformations: i) dihydroxylation, ii) selective silylation of the primary alcohol, iii) the Mitsunobu substitution for installation of an azide group at the secondary alcohol, iv) reduction of the azide followed by benzoylation reaction, v) Deprotection of the silyl group, vi) oxidation of the primary alcohol to a carboxylic acid. Deprotection of 26 was found to gave 7-epi and 7, 9-epi-kaitocephalin, 27 and 28, indicating that the allylated product 21 was an unnatural C7 stereochemistry. Total synthesis of kaitocephalin from 22 having a desired C7 configration is currently underway.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2004-10-01
品田 哲郎
大船 泰史
大船 泰史
Suntory Institute for Bioorganic Research
島本 啓子
サントリー 生物有機科研
川崎 昌紀
品田 哲郎
大阪大 大学院理学研究科
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- 16 (-)-カイニン酸の効率的全合成(口頭発表の部)