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At a gas-liquid interface, there are many physics and unknown phenomena related to thermodynamics, electromagnetics, hydrodynamics, and heat and mass transfer. Therefore, a modeling of gas-liquid interface is one of key issues of the numerical research on multiphase flow. Currently, the Continuum Surface Force model (CSF) is popular to model a gas-liquid interface in computational fluid dynamics. However, the CSF model cannot explain the physics of the gas-liquid interface because this model is derived by a mechanical energy balance at the interface. In this study, assuming that the interface is a thin fluid-membrane and has a finite thickness, we develop a new gas-liquid interfacial model based on thermodynamics via mathematical approach. In particular, we derive the equation of free energy based on a lattice gas model including the effect of the electric double layer caused by a contamination on the interaction between the bubble interfaces. Finally, we derive a set of new governing equations of fluid motion based on a mesoscopic concept and the free energy is incorporated into the Navier-Stokes equation as the new terms by using Chapman-Enskog expansion.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2008-01-25
功刀 資彰
功刀 資彰
米本 幸弘
功刀 資彰
米本 幸弘
京都大学大学院 工学研究科
功刀 資彰
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