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Two-dimensional direct numerical simulations have been performed in order to investigate the relationship between surface wave structures and internal flow of water falling films by using the MARS (Multi-interfaces Advection and Reconstruction Solver) method. The numerical results indicate that the velocity profile of falling film is mostly parabolic and similar to the Nusselt theory. However the magnitude of the velocity profile is rather different from that of the Nusselt theory. In this paper, the velocity profiles in a falling film are categorized into four regions: recovery region, development region, break-down region and capillary wave region. Moreover, small vortices can be found in the capillary wave region. Additionally velocity profiles are consistent with a velocity profile obtained from boundary layer theory in a development region. Here, surface velocity is defined as a main flow velocity of a boundary layer, and film thickness is defined as a boundary layer thickness. So, it is considered that the development of velocity in a falling film is similar to that of boundary layer.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-01-25
功刀 資彰
芹澤 昭示
木野 千晶
芹澤 昭示
功刀 資彰
京都大学大学院 工学研究科 原子核工学専攻
功刀 資彰
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