P-14. Aneuploidy caused by chromosomes showing premature centromere separation in a woman living in the high natural radiation area in Ramsar, Iran(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
Health Res. Fond.
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
National Institute of RadIologIcal Sciences
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Hayata I
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.:cent. Res. Inst. Elec. Pow. Ind.
Hayata Isamu
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim.
Hayata Isamu
Radiation Hazards Research Group Nirs
Kanda Reiko
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Furukawa Akira
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Sugahara Tsutomu
Health Res. Found.
Sugahara Tsutomu
Laboratory Of Industrial Hygiene Ministry Of Health
Tarbiat Modarres Univ.
Kanda Reiko
Natl. Inst. Radlol. Sd.
Hayata I
National Inst. Radiological Sci. Chiba Jpn
Hayata Isamu
Radiation Hazards Research Groupe Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
Furukawa Akira
Natl. Inst. Of Radial. Sci.
Furukawa Akira
Radiation Hazards Research Group Nirs
Hayata Isamu
Radiation Hazards Research Group
Minamihisamatsu Masako
Hayata Isamu
Radiation Effect Mechanisms Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
- Genetical instability induced by low doses of radiations
- Inhibition in a microgravity environment of the recovery of Escherichia coli cells damaged by heavy ion beams during the NASDA ISS Phase I Program of NASA Shuttle/Mir Mission No. 6
- Statistical Associations between Radiation Exposure and Cardio-Respiratory : Functions in Radiology Technicians
- Statistical Associations between Radiation Exposure and Physical Strength in Radiology Technicians
- A Chromosome Survey in Japanese Fishermen 40 Years after Exposure to Radioactive Fallout.
- Occurrence of non-leukemic clones with chromosome abnormalities observed in Japanese patients exposed to Thorotrast
- Statistical Associations between Radiation Exposure and the Clinical Examination Data of Japanese Radiology Technicians
- Structural Analysis of Chromosome Damage Induced with X-ray or Heavy Ion Radiation by Atomic ForceMicroscope
- Radiation-induced Apoptosis Responsible for Limb Teratogenesis in Embryonic Mice
- Reoxygenation and Rehypoxiation in SCC VII tumors after Hyperthermia.
- 249 Prenatal Radiation-Induced Teratogenesis and Adaptive Response Modified by p53 and General Caspase Inhibitors(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Radiation-Induced Teratogenesis and Adaptive Response in the Late Period of Organogenesis in Mice : I. Dose Rate Effects
- Effect of Smoking on Chromosomes Compared with That of Radiation in the Residents of a High-Background Radiation Area in China
- Imperceptible Effect of Radiation Based on Stable Type Chromosome Aberrations Accumulated in the Lymphocytes of Residents in the High Background Radiation Area in China
- O-06. Chromosome aberrations in the lymphocytes of residents in the high background radiation area in Guangdong province in China(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Chromosome Translocation in Residents of the High Background Radiation Areas in Southern China
- Robot System for Preparing Lymphocyte Chromosome
- Effects of Caspase Inhibitors on Nuclear Protein NP95 Depletion Associated with Radiation-induced Apoptosis in Murine ThymicLymphoma 3SB Cells.
- Involvement of Protein Kinase C in Radiation-induced Apoptosis Regulation in 3SBH5 Cells
- Effect of Low Dose Radiation on Health Estimated by Cytogenetic Studies
- Fluctuation Characteristics of Rn-222 and Rn-220 concentrations in Air on High Background Radiation Area of China
- Internationally coordinated epidemiological studies on high background radiation areas
- An Introductory Overview of the Epidemiological Study on the Population at the High Background Radiation Areas in Yangjiang, China
- Cancer Mortality in the High Background Radiation Areas of Yangjiang, China during the Period between 1979 and 1995
- Preliminary Analysis of Cancer Mortality among Radiological Technologists in relation to work history
- Extended Follow-up of Cancer Mortality among Radiological Technologists in Japan : 1969-1998
- Cancer Mortality among Radiological Technologists in Japan : Updated Analysis of Follow-up Data from 1969 to 1993
- P-14. Aneuploidy caused by chromosomes showing premature centromere separation in a woman living in the high natural radiation area in Ramsar, Iran(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)
- Radiation Measurements and Characteristics on the Earth Environments of High Natural Radiation Areas
- Dose-effect Relationship of Dicentric and Ring Chromosomes in Lymphocytes of Individuals Living in the High Background Radiation Areas in China
- A Case-control Study of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in the High Background Radiation Areas of Yangjiang, China
- Excess Relative Risk of Solid Cancer Mortality after Prolonged Exposure to Naturally Occurring High Background Radiation in Yangjiang, China
- Measurements of Rn-222, Rn-220 and Their Decay Products in the Environmental Air of the High Background Radiation Areas in Yangjiang, China
- Dose Measurement, Its Distribution and Individual External Dose Assessments of Inhabitants in the High Background Radiation Areas in China
- Measurement of Rn-222 in Air on High Background Radiation Area of China
- The Radiation Exposures on the High Background Radiation Areas of China.
- Study on the way of Personal Dose Assessment for Inhabitants in High Background Radiation Areas of China
- Characteristics of the radiation exposure in high background radiation areas
- Dose Measurement of High Background Radiation Area and its Problem
- Unstable chromosome aberrations In the lymphocytes of the residents in a high background radiation area (HBIIA), Cuangdong province. China.
- Dose Heasurement of High Background Radiation Area in China(3)
- Rapid Decrease in the Expression of a Nuclear Protein NP95 Associated with Radiation-induced Apoptosis inMurine Thymic Lymphoma 3SB Cells.
- Involvement of Caspases in the Radiation-induced Apoptosis of Radiosensitive Murine Thymoma 3SB Cells
- Implication of Protein Kinase C Activation in the Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Radiosensitive Murine Thymoma Cell 3SB
- Visualization of DNA repair protein-DNA interaction by Atomic Force Microscope
- Structural Analysis of Irradiated Plasmid DNA by Atomic Force Microscope
- 236 Distinct functions of protein kinase C subtypes in the regulation of radiation-induced apoptosis in murine thymic lymphoma cells(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Effect of 0.5 Gy Pre-expore on the PFC of Lethally Irradiated Mice
- Rescue of Lethally Irradiated Mice from Hematopoietic Death by Pre-expousure to 0.5 Gy X-rays withoutRecovery from Peripheral Blood Cell Depletion
- Fas-independent Apoptosis Induced by UVC in p53-Mutated Human Epithelial Tumor A431 Cells through Activation of Caspase-8 and JNK/SAPK
- Radioadaptation in Embryogenesis Is Related to p53 Gene Status
- Long Term Effects Observed in Mice Rescued by 0.5 Gy Pre-exposure from Lethal Irradiation
- UVC-induced Apoptosis in Human Epithelial Tumor A431 Cells : Sequence of Apoptotic Changes and Involvement of Caspase (-8 and -3) Cascade
- Radioadaptation in Embryogenesis during Late Period of Organogenesis and Postnatal Retardation in the Prenatally Primed Mice
- OK432-lnduced Modification of Radioadaptive Response in Mice
- Modification of Acquired Radio-Resistance in Mice by OK432
- Chromosome aberrations in the lymphocytes of the patients with uterine cancer who received heavy-ion radiation therapy by HIMAC.
- Modification of Radiation-Induced Apoptosis Affects the Severity of Limb Teratogenesis in Embryonic Mice
- Cytogenetical Dose Estimation for 3 Severely Exposed Patients in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Comparison of Two Types of Coated Slide Glass Using a New Autofocusing Method for Microscopic Image of Chromosomes
- Molecular Cytological Characterization of a Prematurely Condensed Ring Chromosome (PCC-ring) : a Valuable Indicator of Radiation Dosimetry
- Effect of Estradiol on Radiation-induced Chromosome Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes
- 61 Visualization and Structural Analysis of Ring Chromosomes by Atomic Force Microscope(Chromosome aberrations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Non-fluorescent chromosome painting method using peroxidase/diaminobenzidine reaction(Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- The ratio of translocations vs. dicentrics revealed by applying Glemsa staining and chromosome painting to the same metaphases.
- Dynamic Analysis of Chromosome Aberrations in Three Patients of Tokai-mura Criticality Accident
- Dose estimation by chromosome analysis.
- Molecular Dynamic Simulation of DNA Containing Thymine Dimer and 2-Aminopurine
- Assessment of Individual External Doses of Inhabitants in Ramsar, Iran
- Trp53 Activity Is Repressed in Radio-adapted Cultured Murine Limb Bud Cells