Nitrous oxide emissions from three ecosystems in tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia(Environment)
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Nitrous oxide (N_2O) emissions were measured monthly over 1 year in three ecosystems on tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia, using a closed-chamber technique. The three ecosystems investigated were mixed peat swamp forest, sago (Metroxylon sagu) and oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) plantations. The highest annual N_2O emissions were observed in the sago ecosystem with a production rate of 3.3kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1>, followed by the oil palm ecosystem at 1.2kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1> and the forest ecosystem at 0.7kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1>. The N_2O emissions ranged from -3.4 to 19.7μg N m^<-2> h^<-1> for the forest ecosystem, from 1.0 to 176.3μg N m^<-2> h^<-1> for the sago ecosystem and from 0.9 to 58.4μg N m^<-2> h^<-1> for the oil palm ecosystem. Multiple regression analysis showed that N_2O production in each ecosystem was regulated by different variables. The key factors influencing N_2O emissions in the forest ecosystem were the water table and the NH^+_4 concentration at 25-50cm, soil temperature at 5cm and nitrate concentration at 0-25cm in the sago ecosystem, and water-filled pore space, soil temperature at 5cm and NH^+_4concentrations at 0-25cm in the oil palm ecosystem. R^2 values for the above regression equations were 0.57, 0.63 and 0.48 for forest, sago and oil palm, respectively. The results suggest that the conversion of tropical peat swamp forest to agricultural crops, which causes substantial changes to the environment and soil properties, will significantly affect the exchange of N_2O between the tropical peatland and the atmosphere. Thus, the estimation of net N_2O production from tropical peatland for the global N_2O budget should take into consideration ecosystem type.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
Melling Lulie
Dep. Of Agriculture Sarawak Jalan Badruddin 93400 Kuching Sarawak Malaysia
Melling Lulie
Soil Management Branch Department Of Agriculture Sarawak
HATANO Ryusuke
Soil Science Laboratory, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Hatano Ryusuke
Soil Science Laboratory Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Advanced Agriecological Research Sdn Bhd
Hatano Ryusuke
Research Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Hatano Ryusuke
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
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- CH_4 emission from different stages of thermokarst formation in Central Yakutia, East Siberia(Environment)
- 29 GHG emission from different stages of thermokarst in Central Yakutia, Russia
- 23-15 CH_4 emission from different stages of thermokarst depressions in Central Yakutia, Russia
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- 17 Comparison of carbon budget from different agricultural fields in South Hokkaido
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- 北海道十勝管内耕地土壌の炭素賦存量とその動態
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- Eco-balance analysis of land use combinations to minimize environmental impacts and maximize farm income in northern Japan
- 31 GHG emissions and carbon balance from an alas ecosystem in east Siberia
- 23-3 Comparison of grassland NEP and NBP of Hokkaido and Central Yakutia, Russia
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- Effect of chemical fertilizer and manure application on N2O emission from reed canary grassland in Hokkaido, Japan
- 29 Factors of controlling N_2O emission from managed grassland in southern Hokkaido
- 23-8 Influence of manure and fertilizer application on nitrous oxide fluxes from managed grasslands in south of Hokkaido
- 1-22 Soil N_2O emission as affected by nitrification and denitrification
- 26 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application and management on greenhouse gas emission from reed canary grassland in Hokkaido, Japan
- 1-39 Effect of manure and fertilization applications on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions from a grassland in Southern Hokkaido
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- Hydrological process controls on nitrogen export during storm events in an agricultural watershed
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- Effects of changes in the soil environment associated with heavy precipitation on soil greenhouse gas fluxes in a Siberian larch forest near Yakutsk(Environment)
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- 23 十勝管内の畑地における代表的3土壌型の二酸化炭素発生速度の解析(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
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- P1-3 CH_4 budget of thermokarst depressions in Central Yakutia
- Variation in the emission factor of N_2O derived from chemical nitrogen fertilizer and organic matter : A case study of onion fields in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
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- Nitrous oxide emissions from three ecosystems in tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia(Environment)
- Short-term effect of urea on CH_4 flux under the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) on tropical peatland in Sarawak, Malaysia(Environment)
- 30 湿地・泥炭地生態系におけるCH_4, N_2O収支に攪乱が与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- Influence of forest disturbance on CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O fluxes from larch forest soil in the permafrost taiga region of eastern Siberia(Environment)
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- Emergence and behaviors of acid-tolerant Janthinobacterium sp. that evolves N2O from deforested tropical peatland
- 23-17 北海道新冠牧場における飼料作物生産由来の温室効果ガス発生量 : ライフサイクルインベントリーを用いた評価(23.地球環境,2008年度愛知大会)
- 6-4 熱帯泥炭酸性土壌から分離した亜酸化窒素生成細菌の同定と現地土壌環境を反映したそれらの諸性質(6.土壌生物,2009年度京都大会)
- New method for the estimation of nitrous oxide emission rates from an agricultural watershed(Environment)
- 39 農地に隣接した河畔林緩衝帯における窒素動態の定量的評価(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- 39 農地に隣接した河畔林における物質動態の定量評価(北海道支部講演会,2006年度各支部会)
- P6-10 改良条件下における東シベリア・タイガ林林床土壌細菌叢の窒素固定能の再評価 : Gellan gum soft gelを用いたアセチレン還元試験(ポスター紹介,6.土壌生物,2008年度愛知大会)
- 1-13 hydrological process controls on nitrogen export during storm events in a daily farming area of eastern Hokkaido, Japan
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- 28 草地酪農生態系における土壌の脱窒活性(北海道支部講演会,2008年度各支部会)
- High Rate of N2 Fixation by East Siberian Cryophilic Soil Bacteria as Determined by Measuring Acetylene Reduction in Nitrogen-Poor Medium Solidified with Gellan Gum
- Comparison of N2O and CO2 concentrations and fluxes in the soil profile between a Gray Lowland soil and an Andosol
- I-4 流域レベルでの窒素沈着の影響解析(I 農業起源のアンモニアの発生・沈着実態と環境影響評価,シンポジウム,2009年度京都大会)
- Comparison of the closed-chamber and gas concentration gradient methods for measurement of CO_2 and N_2O fluxes in two upland field soils(Environment)
- 41 畜産生態系を流下する河川河床土の脱窒パラメータの推定(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- Fungal N_2O production in an arable peat soil in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- Effects of agricultural land-use change and forest fire on N_2O emission from tropical peatlands, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes from cornfield, grassland, pasture and forest in a watershed in Southern Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Assessing the impact of phosphorus cycling on river water P concentration in Hokkaido
- P23-2 堆肥または化学肥料を散布した草地からのメタン、亜酸化窒素の発生量の経年変化(ポスター紹介,23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- 23-5 日本の飼料畑における亜酸化窒素放出量(23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- 36 Hydrological controls on temporal patterns of N sensitivity to climate in three adjacent watersheds
- 31 東シベリアタイガ生態系の土壌湿潤化が亜酸化窒素フラックスに与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- 26 様々な土地利用の熱帯泥炭地における泥炭沈下量と温室効果ガス発生量の関係(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- 24 北海道三笠市における玉葱栽培地とひまわり休閑地の炭素及び窒素の収支(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- 17 十勝畑作地帯における収穫残渣産出量とその圃場への還元量の歴史的変遷(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- V-1 土-地球の皮膚-を守る農業(V 地球の生命(いのち)を育む土-食科生産と環境、そして未来に果たす土の役割-,シンポジウム,2010年度北海道大会)
- 6-5 ニッパヤシ根圏に生息するBurkholderia属細菌群の系統分析とそれらの窒素固定能の検定(6.土壌生物,2010年度北海道大会)
- 35 Carbon budget of reed canary grassland in Southern Hokkaido
- 32 CO_2 and N_2O emissions from grassland soil in response to soil organic matter, root and manure mineralization
- 23-6 N_2O emission from reed canary grassland in southern Hokkaido, Japan
- 34 Soil nitrification and denitrification from different aggregated soil
- 1-21 Soil nitrification and denitrification from different moisture content of aggregated soil
- Burkholderia vietnamiensis Isolated from Root Tissues of Nipa Palm (Nypa fruticans) in Sarawak, Malaysia, Proved to Be Its Major Endophytic Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium
- Soil Respiration and Methane Flux in Adjacent Forest, Grassland, and Cornfield Soils in Hokkaido, Japan
- Effects of soil aggregate size, moisture content and fertilizer management on nitrous oxide production in a volcanic ash soil(Environment)
- Nitrous oxide emission derived from soil organic matter decomposition from tropical agricultural peat soil in central Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- 21 Effect of conversion of reed canary grassland to corn field on N_2O flux from Andisol in southern Hokkaido
- N_2O emissions during the freezing and thawing periods from six fields in a livestock farm, southern Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- N_2O emissions during the freezing and thawing periods from six fields in a livestock farm, southern Hokkaido, Japan