Variation in the emission factor of N_2O derived from chemical nitrogen fertilizer and organic matter : A case study of onion fields in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
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Variability in the emission factors of nitrous oxide (N_2O) associated with the application of chemical fertilizer (EF_F) and organic matter (EF_O) were analyzed in two onion fields (GL, Gray Lowland soil [Gleysol; Food and Agriculture Organization/UNESCO]; BL, Brown Lowland soil [Fluvisol; Food and Agriculture Organization/UNESCO]) in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan. Nitrous oxide flux was measured using a closed chamber technique in four treatments (FOP, chemical nitrogen fertilization and organic matter application, with plants; F, chemical nitrogen fertilization only, without plants; OP, organic matter application only, with plants; C, control, no fertilization or organic matter application, without plants) for 4 years in GL (2000, 2003-2005) and for 1 year in BL (2005). The application rate of chemical fertilizer nitrogen ranged from 237 to 242kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1> in GL and was 284kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1> in BL; organic matter nitrogen ranged from 81 to 117kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1> in GL and was 181kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1> in BL. The emission factors (EF) were calculated using the equations: EF_F (%) = (N_2O emission in FOP-N_2O emission in OP)/(applied chemical nitrogen fertilizer) × 100 and EF_O=(N_2O emission in FOP-N_2O emission in F)/(applied organic matter nitrogen) × 100. The annual N_2O emissions for treatments FOP, F, OP and C were 7.2-17, 5.7-17, 3.2-9.9 and 2.0-12kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1>, respectively, in GL and 5.6, 2.8, 1.9 and 1.8kg N ha^<-1> year^<-1>, respectively, in BL. The EF_F ranged from 1.3% to 5.5% in GL and was 1.3% in BL. The EF_F was positively correlated with the mean annual air temperature (P < 0.01), suggesting that N_2O emission derived from chemical nitrogen fertilizer increases as air temperature rises. The EF_O, however, differed greatly between GL (ranging from -5.2% to 9.1%) and BL (1.5%). The EF_O was positively correlated with the mean annual relative humidity, although the correlation was not significant (P = 0.23). This finding suggests that much wetter climatic conditions may increase N_2O emissions derived from organic matter nitrogen. The estimated N_2O emissions based on these EF values and the rate of nitrogen application coincided well with the measured N_2O emissions in the FOP treatment in both soils.
Graduate School of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Hatano Ryusuke
Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo Jpn
HATANO Ryusuke
Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Hatano Ryusuke
Research Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
KUSA Kanako
National Agricultural Research Center
Toma Yoh
Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
Toma Yo
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido Univ. Sapporo 060-8589 Jpn
Hirose Yuu
Department Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Kimura Sonoko
Graduate School Of Agriculture Department Of International Environmental And Agricultural Science To
Kimura Sonoko
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture And Technol. Tokyo
Hatano Ryusuke
Hokkaido Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
Toma Yo
Field Science Center For Northern Biosphere Hokkaido University
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- Variation in the emission factor of N_2O derived from chemical nitrogen fertilizer and organic matter : A case study of onion fields in Mikasa, Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- 40 標津川流域の窒素循環における河川流出と脱窒の役割(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
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- 30 湿地・泥炭地生態系におけるCH_4, N_2O収支に攪乱が与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
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- 28 草地酪農生態系における土壌の脱窒活性(北海道支部講演会,2008年度各支部会)
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- I-4 流域レベルでの窒素沈着の影響解析(I 農業起源のアンモニアの発生・沈着実態と環境影響評価,シンポジウム,2009年度京都大会)
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- 23-5 日本の飼料畑における亜酸化窒素放出量(23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- 36 Hydrological controls on temporal patterns of N sensitivity to climate in three adjacent watersheds
- 31 東シベリアタイガ生態系の土壌湿潤化が亜酸化窒素フラックスに与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- 26 様々な土地利用の熱帯泥炭地における泥炭沈下量と温室効果ガス発生量の関係(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- 24 北海道三笠市における玉葱栽培地とひまわり休閑地の炭素及び窒素の収支(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- 17 十勝畑作地帯における収穫残渣産出量とその圃場への還元量の歴史的変遷(北海道支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
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- P23-11 熱帯泥炭火災に伴う炭素放出量の現地観測に基づく評価 : (1)予備観測の結果(ポスター紹介,23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
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- 1-18 The impact of land use and climate on Nitrogen export and water quality
- 1-17 黒ボク土に立地するカラマツ林の養分制限 : in-growth bag法による養分制限の決定(1.物質循環・動態,2010年度北海道大会)
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- Evaluation of the soil carbon budget under different upland cropping systems in central Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
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- 試験成績・研究成果 貧栄養土壌におけるスス牛(Miscanthus sinensis)の地上部バイオマス生産に対する施肥効果 : 北海道小牧市における研究事例
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- 1-46 大規模草地酪農地域の河畔林におけるNO_3-N濃度および窒素、酸素安定同位体比の挙動(1.物質循環・動態)
- 24 有機物分解測定法に着目した生態学的手法の改良(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
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- 1-50 地下水位と土壌pHが熱帯泥炭地の土壌呼吸に与える影響(1.物質循環・動態)
- 29 Application of SWAT model to understand the baseflow components of river discharge in a groundwater recharging
- 22 東シベリアタイガ生態系林床における窒素および亜酸化窒素ガス動態に土壌水分率が与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
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- 23-16 熱帯泥炭土壌の高N_2O生成細菌はnosZを持っていなかった(23.地球環境)
- 30 異なる河畔林における硝酸態窒素濃度の変化とその要因(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
- 23-25 草地・飼料畑における堆肥の連用が炭素収支に与える影響(23.地球環境)
- 23-3 湿地土壌中における溶存酸素濃度の測定法(23.地球環境)
- 27 サロベツミズゴケ湿原における炭素収支へのササ侵入の影響(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
- 26 北海道三笠市幾春別川流域農耕地における土壌有機物分解量に影響を与える要因の解析(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
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- 23-42 Evaluating soil C budget and GWP variation in agricultural field at a regional scale in Ikushunbetsu river watershed, Hokkaido Japan
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