29 GHG emission from different stages of thermokarst in Central Yakutia, Russia
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-09-09
Desyatkin Roman
Institute of Biological Problems of Cryolithzone, Russia Academy of Science
Desyatkin Roman
Desyatkin Roman
Institute For Biological Problems Of Cryolithozone Russian Academy Of Science
Desyatkin Roman
Desyatkin Alexey
Alexey Desyatkin
Hatano Ryusuke
Desyatkin Alexey
Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Takakai Fumiaki
Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Nikolaeva Maya
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science
Fedorov Pavel
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Science
Hatano Ryusuke
Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Fedorov Pavel
Nikolaeva Maya
Hatano Ryusuke
Soil Science Laboratory Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Fedorov Pavel
Takakai Fumiaki
Fedorov Pavel
Institute For Biological Problems Of Cryolithozone Russian Academy Of Science
Pavel Fedorov
Ibpc Sb Ras
Hatano Ryusuke
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido Univ.
Nikolaeva Maya
Institute For Biological Problems Of Cryolithozone Siberian Branch Russian Academy Of Science
Hatano Ryusuke
北大 大学院
Desyatkin Alexey
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
- 43 東シベリアのカラマツ林における温室効果ガスフラックスの空間変動(北海道支部講演会,日本土壌肥料学会 支部講演会講演要旨集 2005年度)
- シベリアカラマツ林における温室効果ガス発生におよぼす降水の影響(北海道支部講演会, 日本土壌肥料学会支部講演会講演要旨集2004年度)
- CH_4 emission from different stages of thermokarst formation in Central Yakutia, East Siberia(Environment)
- 29 GHG emission from different stages of thermokarst in Central Yakutia, Russia
- 23-15 CH_4 emission from different stages of thermokarst depressions in Central Yakutia, Russia
- 32 新冠牧場の飼料作物生産において堆肥施用が温室効果ガス動態に与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2008年度各支部会)
- 20 北海道静内の経年採草地における炭素収支(北海道支部講演会,2008年度各支部会)
- 17 Comparison of carbon budget from different agricultural fields in South Hokkaido
- Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen cycling in managed grassland in Southern Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Clear increases in acetylene reduction by soil bacteria from an East Siberian Taiga forest bed under conditions mimicking the natural soil environment(Soil Biology)
- CH_4 Flux in an Alas Ecosystem Formed by Forest Disturbance near Yakutsk, Eastern Siberia, Russia (Environment)
- 23-32 北海道静内の採草地における地下部現存量の違いが炭素収支に与える影響(23.地球環境,2009年度京都大会)
- 25 静内牧場の経年採草地におけるN_2Oフラックスの測定 : 自動チャンバーと手動チャンバーの比較(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- 1-21 北海道静内の経年採草地における窒素循環とN_2O発生(1.物質循環・動態,2008年度愛知大会)
- 23-8 ロシア・東シベリアのアラス生態系からのCH_4放出(23. 地球環境, 2006年度秋田大会講演要旨)
- 31 GHG emissions and carbon balance from an alas ecosystem in east Siberia
- 23-3 Comparison of grassland NEP and NBP of Hokkaido and Central Yakutia, Russia
- 27 新冠牧場において飼料作物生産が温室効果ガス動態に与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- 33 静内の経年採草地において施肥後のN_2O発生と関係する要因の解析(北海道支部講演会,2006年度各支部会)
- 30 経年採草地における土壌有機物分解の動態解析(北海道支部講演会,2006年度各支部会)
- 1-30 北海道静内の経年採草地における炭素収支 : 渦相関法と生態学的手法の比較(1.物質循環・動態,2007年度東京大会)
- 1-26 経年採草地において、温室効果ガス放出に影響を与える要因(1. 物質循環・動態, 2006年度秋田大会講演要旨)
- 1-25 寒冷地における牧草生産が圃場の炭素収支に与える影響(1. 物質循環・動態, 2006年度秋田大会講演要旨)
- Effect of chemical fertilizer and manure application on N2O emission from reed canary grassland in Hokkaido, Japan
- 29 Factors of controlling N_2O emission from managed grassland in southern Hokkaido
- 23-8 Influence of manure and fertilizer application on nitrous oxide fluxes from managed grasslands in south of Hokkaido
- 1-22 Soil N_2O emission as affected by nitrification and denitrification
- 26 Effects of nitrogen fertilizer application and management on greenhouse gas emission from reed canary grassland in Hokkaido, Japan
- 1-39 Effect of manure and fertilization applications on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions from a grassland in Southern Hokkaido
- 36 東シベリア・タイガ生態系林床における窒素固定能の定量的評価(北海道支部講演会,2008年度各支部会)
- P1-3 CH_4 budget of thermokarst depressions in Central Yakutia
- Nitrous oxide emissions from three ecosystems in tropical peatland of Sarawak, Malaysia(Environment)
- Short-term effect of urea on CH_4 flux under the oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) on tropical peatland in Sarawak, Malaysia(Environment)
- 30 湿地・泥炭地生態系におけるCH_4, N_2O収支に攪乱が与える影響(北海道支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- Influence of forest disturbance on CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O fluxes from larch forest soil in the permafrost taiga region of eastern Siberia(Environment)
- Emergence and behaviors of acid-tolerant Janthinobacterium sp. that evolves N2O from deforested tropical peatland
- 23-17 北海道新冠牧場における飼料作物生産由来の温室効果ガス発生量 : ライフサイクルインベントリーを用いた評価(23.地球環境,2008年度愛知大会)
- N_2O and CH_4 fluxes from a volcanic grassland soil in Nasu, Japan : Comparison between manure plus fertilizer plot and fertilizer-only plot(Environment)
- New method for the estimation of nitrous oxide emission rates from an agricultural watershed(Environment)
- Changes in Net Ecosystem Production Associated with Forest Fire in Taiga Ecosystems, Near Yakutsk, Russia (Environment)
- Comparison of Needle Mass Density in The Tree Crowns of Larix gmelinii and Larix kaempferi Trees
- Soil Respiration in Siberian Taiga Ecosystems with Different Histories of Forest Fire
- High Rate of N2 Fixation by East Siberian Cryophilic Soil Bacteria as Determined by Measuring Acetylene Reduction in Nitrogen-Poor Medium Solidified with Gellan Gum
- Comparison of the closed-chamber and gas concentration gradient methods for measurement of CO_2 and N_2O fluxes in two upland field soils(Environment)
- Fungal N_2O production in an arable peat soil in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- Effects of agricultural land-use change and forest fire on N_2O emission from tropical peatlands, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- Nitrous oxide and nitric oxide fluxes from cornfield, grassland, pasture and forest in a watershed in Southern Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Three years of nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions from silandic andosols cultivated with maize in Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Evaluating the Contribution of Point and Non-Point Sources of Nitrogen Pollution in Stream Water in a Rural Area of Central Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- 1-18 The impact of land use and climate on Nitrogen export and water quality
- Evaluation of the soil carbon budget under different upland cropping systems in central Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Eco-balance analysis of six agricultural land uses in the Ikushunbetsu watershed(Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agroecosystems in Monsoon Asia)
- P23-3 Soil respiration and carbon sequestration in different upland cropping systems in central Hokkaido
- P23-5 Greenhouse gas fluxes from two soils under different land uses in Central Hokkaido
- 35 Carbon budget of reed canary grassland in Southern Hokkaido
- 32 CO_2 and N_2O emissions from grassland soil in response to soil organic matter, root and manure mineralization
- 23-6 N_2O emission from reed canary grassland in southern Hokkaido, Japan
- Greenhouse gas fluxes from agricultural soils under different crops in Central Hokkaido
- 34 Soil nitrification and denitrification from different aggregated soil
- 1-21 Soil nitrification and denitrification from different moisture content of aggregated soil
- Soil Respiration and Net Ecosystem Production in an Onion Field in Central Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- Dissolved N_2O, CH_4, and CO_2 Emissions from Subsurface-Drainage in a Structured Clay Soil Cultivated with Onion in Central Hokkaido, Japan (Soil Physics)
- Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Methane Flux in a Structured Clay Soil Cultivated with Onion in Central Hokkaido, Japan
- Dissolved N_2O, CH_4, and CO_2 in Pipe Drainage, Seepage, and Stream Water in a Livestock Farm in Hokkaido, Japan
- 27 Assessing the Relationships between Pore Structural Indices and CO_2, CH_4, NO and N_2O Fluxes in Various Ecosystems
- 1-1 Assessing the Relationship between Greenhouse Gases Emissions and Soil Chemical and Physical Properties.
- Characteristics of Nutrient Load in a Stream Flowing through a Livestock Farm during Spring Snowmelt (Environment)
- 24-24 Effect of nitrogen fertilizer on methane flux in a structured clay soil
- 23-15 Evaluating Impact of Land Use and Nitrogen Budgets at Community Scale on Stream Water Quality in Hokkaido, Japan
- Detection of Nitrate Leaching through Bypass Flow Using Pan Lysimeter, Suction Cup, and Resin Capsule
- Soil Respiration and Methane Flux in Adjacent Forest, Grassland, and Cornfield Soils in Hokkaido, Japan
- Forest fires and vegetation during the Holocene in central Yakutia, eastern Siberia
- Effects of soil aggregate size, moisture content and fertilizer management on nitrous oxide production in a volcanic ash soil(Environment)
- Nitrous oxide emission derived from soil organic matter decomposition from tropical agricultural peat soil in central Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- 21 Effect of conversion of reed canary grassland to corn field on N_2O flux from Andisol in southern Hokkaido
- 24 有機物分解測定法に着目した生態学的手法の改良(北海道支部講演会,2010年度各支部会講演要旨)
- 29 Application of SWAT model to understand the baseflow components of river discharge in a groundwater recharging
- N_2O emissions during the freezing and thawing periods from six fields in a livestock farm, southern Hokkaido, Japan(Environment)
- 23-20 The Comparison of Eddy Covariance and Biometric Method on Carbon Balance in a Managed Grassland of Hokkaido, Japan
- 40 The Effect of Manure Application on Carbon Balance in a Managed Grassland of Hokkaido, Japan
- P23-13 Evaluating spatial and temporal variation in global warming potential (GWP) at a regional scale in Ikushunbetsu river watershed, Hokkaido Japan
- P1-5 Estimating external water contribution to a non-conservative watershed with SWAT model
- The effect of fertilizer and manure application on CH_4 and N_2O emissions from managed grasslands in Japan(Mitigation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural lands)
- Geocryological characteristics of the upper permafrost in a tundra-forest transition of the Indigirka River Valley, Russia
- 10 Effect of soil structure and soil nutrient status on N_2O production
- P8-2-6 Flux and Dissolved Concentration of Major Greenhouse Gases in Tropical Peatland under Different Land Use in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Effects of soil aggregate size, moisture content and fertilizer management on nitrous oxide production in a volcanic ash soil
- 1 Comparison of ecosystem respiration by chamber method and eddy covariance in managed grassland of southern Hokkaido, Japan
- N_2O emissions during the freezing and thawing periods from six fields in a livestock farm, southern Hokkaido, Japan