CH_4 Flux in an Alas Ecosystem Formed by Forest Disturbance near Yakutsk, Eastern Siberia, Russia (Environment)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Alas is a round area of grassland with a pond at the center, formed by subsidence associated with permafrost thawing in Taiga forests in eastern Siberia. Some Alases have a Pingo, which is a round mound formed by the refreezing of the Alas pond. To characterize the relationship between the CH_4 dynamics and soil properties in a forest-Alas ecosystem, we investigated 2 line transects in an Alas near Yakutsk: one transect from the forest to the pond (300 m), and the other from the top of the Pingo to the pond (26 m). Both soil pH and EC in the topsoil were higher in the grassland and the Pingo (5.8-7.1 for pH and 7-141 mS m^<-1> for EC) than in the forest (4.3 for pH and 1-17 m^<-1> for EC). The organic carbon contents of the soils were also higher in the grassland and the Pingo than in the forest. CH_4 uptake in the forest soils ranged from -13 to -17 μg C ^<-2> h^<-1>. On the other hand, CH_4 emission in the grassland increased from -8 to 3.8 × 10^3 μg C m^<-2> h^<-1> with the approach to the pond. Large CH_4 emissions of 0.6 to 7.0 × 10^3 μg C m^<-2> h^<-1> were observed at the edge of the pond. The values of the CH_4 fluxes were similar to those previously reported -25 to -5 μg C m<-2> h<-1> for forests and 0.1 to 5.2 × 10^3 μg C m<-2> h<-1> for wetlands in Alaska and northern Europe. CH_4 fluxes were strongly correlated with the soil moisture content, but not with the soil temperature. No CH_4 flux was observed in the Pingo soils, probably due to the large accumulation of salts. These results suggest that Alas formation with forest disturbance increases CH_4 production and decreases CH_4 consumption due to the accumulation of salts and the increase in the soil moisture and organic carbon content in the Alas soil.
- 社団法人日本土壌肥料学会の論文
Desyatkin Roman
Institute of Biological Problems of Cryolithzone, Russia Academy of Science
Desyatkin Roman
Institute Of Biological Problems Of Cryolithzone Russia Academy Of Science
Desyatkin Roman
Institute For Biological Problems Of Cryolithozone Russian Academy Of Science
Desyatkin R
Inst. Of Biological Problems Of Cryolithzone Russia Acad. Of Sci.
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University
Hatano Ryusuke
Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere, Hokkaido University
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Morishita T
Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Morishita Tomoaki
Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University:(present Address)forestry And Forest Products Res
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