- 論文の詳細を見る
Most of the studies on active noise control systems have used an open-loop feed-forward (FF) control system for the past several years. The FF control system requires a reference signal of a noise. Unless the reference signal has good coherence with a noise, the FF control system cannot achieve good control performance. In such a case, however, the closed-loop FB control system requiring no reference signal is effective. Although the key factor of the closed-loop control system is stability, the conventional adaptive algorithm cannot always assure the stability for systems the characteristics of which change. In fact several studies have been done on the FB control system in the last few years. However, little attention has been given to the robust stability. In this study we proposes a 2-degree-of-freedom (2DF) control system consisting of a FF compensator and a robust FB compensator. The FF compensator is designed using the conventional Filtered-X LMS algorithm and the robust FB compensator is designed using a new adaptive algorithm that is based on the LMS method. The advantage of this new algorithm is that it ensures the robust stability of a closed loop by adjusting the step size that corrects the weight of a FIR adaptive filter. This study confirms the validity of this 2DF control system by applying it to an experimental system that cannot be controlled well with the conventional FF control system.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-04-25
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