3407 個人適合型運転支援のためのドライバ運転挙動解析(OS7 人間・機械システム,ヒューマンインターフェース)
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To make the active safety devices easy to accept the driver, it becomes to be important to develop the driver support system suiting to individual driver characteristics. The database of the characteristics is necessary to achieve such a system. This paper describes the analysis of driver behavior to extract the individual driving characteristics. The data of driver behavior is measured using a driving simulator. The simulator is composed of the 6 degrees of freedom motion platform and the translatable motion device that moves the platform longitudinally. In the cockpit on the platform, a driver's seat is put and the front view is reflected on 3 flat screens 1.4m away from the driver. The driving tasks in this study were supposed to contain the various traffic situations; lane changing, stopping and starting at intersection, and making to look aside such as seeing signboard. In case of looking aside, it was derived that the deviation from the lane center became larger than usual driving. The large part of the deviation was caused at passing near the signboard. It became also clarified that the amount of the deviation was quite different individually. Based on these results of analysis, the database to describe the individual driver behavior characteristics has been constructed. These data becomes useful to decide the adapting situation and the timing of driver support system.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-12-04
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