- 論文の詳細を見る
Control of plant growth depends on the comprehensive understanding of phytohormone function and establishment of technologies to regulate the function. Here I report two basic studies and one application-oriented study. Pharbitis 'uzukobito' is arecessive mutant showing extremely dwarfphenotype. Exogenous application ofbrassinosteroidbiosynthetic intermediates and analysis of endogenous brassinosteroids suggested a defect of PnDET2, a homologous enzyme of arabidopsis DET2. The cloning and function assay demonstrated the mutation and the functional loss of the enzyme of uzukobito. AGPs constitue a family of glycoproteins. The specific binder of AGPs (Yariv) showed the involvement of AGPs in GA function in barley aleurone cells. Microarray analysis showed that Yariv is an overall represser of GA-responsive gene expression, and the reagent also activated defense-related signaling. Well-established defense system inducers such as jasmonic acid and chitin elicitor also inhibited GA-inducible events in aleurone cells, indicating that GA signaling is under the regulation of defense-related signaling. Immunomodulation is a mean to modulate organism function by antibody production to capture either endogenous or exogenous antigens. I applied this method to plants. Production of single-chain antibodies both against bioactive GAs and against their biosynthetic precursors gave clear dwarf phenotype, by repressing GA action and GA biosynthesis, respectively.
- 植物化学調節学会の論文
- 2007-10-05
- 38.酵母におけるPQQ生合成遺伝子の探索(口頭発表)
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- 72. イネ糊粉層に存在するβ-Yariv試薬反応性アラビノガラクタン蛋白質群の単離・同定
- 7. 穀類種子に存在するアラビノガラクタン蛋白質 (AGP) の単離・同定 : ジベレリン作用との関連性の追求
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- 17.イムノモジュレーションにより見出されたフィラメント状小胞体の解析(口頭発表)
- 10.シバヤナギハウラタマフシにおける虫えい形成機構に関する研究(口頭発表)
- 9.ヨモギハエボシフシにおける虫えい形成機構に関する研究(口頭発表)