鶏白血病に関する病理学的研究 : II.病理組織学から見た鶏麻痺
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In their previous article the authors treated the pathogenesis of visceral lymphomatosis (CAMPBELL's lymphoid leukosis). In the present article they would like to put forward their findings concerning what is commonly called fowl paralysis (range paralysis)-namely that branch of leukosis complex known as neural lymphomatosis (JUNGHERR). The material used in this study consisted of 53 birds that had been clinically diagnosed as cases of fowl paralysis. These were divided into 7 groups according to their place of origin, and the case descriptions of 20 of these were recorded. The results of the study can be summarized as follows: 1) The nature of the disease studied in the specimens was the so-called fowl paralysis previously reported on by various authors. 2) Changes in peripheral neural tissue based on the pattern of cell appearences are divided into discrete foci and diffure foci. However, it must be born in mind that in the nervous system of one bird, both varieties can exist in different regions. The concentration of foci is as show in chart 1. 3) The changes observed in the nervous tissue were also found in other non-neural organs and tissues in 11 cases (Figs. 1, 2, 14, 15, 18 & 19). It does not seem that the findings recorded under No.4 (Figs. 15 & 18) concerning the central nervous system, have been treated adequately in the literature on this subject. 4) In nervous tissue other than that of the wings and feet, cellular foci were observed in 47 instances (88.7%). However, the findings concerning the pattern of change in neural tissue were the same as those recorded by DOYLE and PAPPENHEIMER-namely, the foci are not spread along the whole length of the nerve. 5) Attention was especially given to the emergence of cells within the foci. For example, the diffuse foci were composed of lymphocyte and dark cells (Figs. 8, 9, 12 & 19). Discrete foci formed around the blood vessels (Figs. 7, 15 & 19), and were composed of both light and dark cells (Figs. 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, & 22). Both types of cells possessed characteristics differing from those of the "lage-pale-nuclear cells" described in the previous article on visceral lymphomatosis (Figs.4-6). Moreover, the above was true for both neural foci and other tissue. Accordingly, cytologically speaking, it is not difficult to distinguish the difference between visceral lymphomatosis and fowl paralysis. 6) In the case of neural foci, neither edema nor degenerative change was in evidence in the material used for the present study. For this reason only one instance has been recorded in which a slight degenerative change in the myelin (Figs. 8, 11 & 13) and local degenerative necrosis in the discrete foci appeared. 7) Of the 53 cases studied, 11 were found to have encephalomalacia which indicates slight foci in the central nervous system, but these are not considered to be related to fowl paralysis (Figs.20, 21, 23 & 24). From the fiindings presented above, the authors reached the following conclusions concerning the nature of fowl paralysis. They are in brief. a) Foci of both the peripheral nervous system and the internal orgns display the same change. Thus, the discrete foci observed in the nervous system and the internal organs are not to be considered as true tumors. b) Consequently, the authors cannot agree with the view proposed by CAMPBELL that chronic inflammatory lesions sometimes change into true tumors. It would seen correct to say that for diffuse foci (PAPPENHEIMER) and discrete foci, the characteristic light and dark cells proliferate in the same manner "in situ". c) The cells which the authors term light and dark cells are considered to be due to abnormal hyperplasia of the lymphatic tissue which pervades the whole body. Both types of cells are considered to possess the capacity to become plasma cells. The attitude of authors in treating these cells (especially those of discrete foci) as a special class of lymphoid series cells is correct. d) The emergence of plasma cells has been widely written about. In the present study the emergence of plasma cells from diffuse foci was noticeable. e) Howeuer, in one and the same case it was esta-blished as a fact that first, discrete and diffuse foci exist together, and second, that the foci have various properties. Consequently, the authors cannot agree with the view (CAMPBELL) that chronic inflammatory lesions sometimes change into true tumors. Finally we can say from a histopathological point of view, that 1) Fowl paralysis is a disease based on abnormal hyperplasia of the lymphatic tissue-perhaps better described more generally as mesenchymal tissue-which pervades the whole body, especially the nerv-ous system. 2) Fowl paralysis is a disease specifically different from visceral lympho-matosis (CAPBELL's lymphoid leukosis) as described in the previous article.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1967-03-31
小野 威
板倉 智敏
板倉 智敏
北大 獣医
山極 三郎
井上 睦
山極 三郎
板倉 智敏
上田 晃
竹村 直士
竹村 直士
小野 威
井上 睦
上田 晃
小野 威
山極 三郎
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- 97 鶏白血病の病理学的研究
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- 25 馬の繊維性骨栄養障碍症に於ける上皮小体
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- 90 家鶏白血病に関する病理学的研究 : IV. "Thick-leg discase"の病理組織学的研究 (第59回日本獣医学会記事)
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- 69 Infectious Bursal Agent (IBA)の分離と2,3の性状について(微生物学分科会)(第72回日本獣医学会記事)
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