鶏白血病の病理学的研究 : IV.家鶏の"Thick-leg disease"骨太病に関する病理組織学(1)
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Previously, interested parties at Hokkaido University and Obihiro Zootechnical College, as an incidence of histopathological study of the bones of domestic animals, reported the results of such studies using four specimens. In this paper the authors wish to add to this study of the so-called avian leukosis, reporting their findings involving 17 specimens inclusive of the original four cases. 1) The pathological change in the bone extended throughout the bones of the whole body (Chart 1). Macroscopically it appeared as hyperplasia of all the bones (Photos. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 21, 24 and 26). Basing it on observations of the extra and intra medullary neoplastic bone formation, the authors gradated the specimens as light, medium and severe cases of affliction. Light cases included those which could be detected only by the aid of a microscope (as will be related below). Middle and severe cases were classified as those where the main force of the disease was in the intra medullary neoplastic bone formation cf. (Photos. 2, 3, 21 and 26), or where it was most evident in the extra medullary neoplastic formation (Photo. 8), or where it was equally evident in both the intra and the extra medullary bone formation (Photo. 24). For this classification cf. (Chart 1). 2) Intra-medullary neoplastic bone formation appeared arranged on the bone wall in about four different stages (Photos. 4 & 5) and this genetic tissue was periosteum. The nature of the newly developed bone between the outermost external layer and the innermost layer of the bone surrounding the marrow cavity, that of maturing bone, and the bone trabeculae formation was gradually being produced. In other words, it can be said that the osteogenesis of the intramedullary neoplastic bone formation was analogous to physiological osteogenesis. 3) Extra medullary neoplastic bone formation, as in the case of the intra-medullary variety, has periosteum as its genetic tissue. On Umbau, phenomenon of development from immature (Photos. 24 and the left-hand side of 25, bottom left half of 21, and the upper part of 22) to mature bone (Photos. 6, the lower halves of 15 & 16) are pointed out. However the direction of the bone development was not parallel with or along the bone, but out from it at right-angles in all cases cf. (Photo. 24) and an abundance of fibrous periosteum tissue was a phenomena which often occurred (Photos. Upper right of 21, upper half of 23, 30, 31 and 32). It should be noted that in the outer basic lamellae there was no pathological change, so one can not call these changes reparatory appositional growth. 4) Accordingly, in cases of the phenomena found in this disease, its histopathological nature can be decided, as noted above by the degree of development of intra and extra medullary neoplastic tissue and by the general osteogenetic development of the bone tissue that modifies it. 5) In the present experiment three of the seventeen cases were lymphomatosis, and three others had association with myeloid leucemia cf. (Chart 1). In a discussion of the findings, the authors recognize that at this stage they lack the qualifications to come to any definite conclusions, but they think, (basing theirs ideas on the fact that the pathological change involved in this disease is principally in the whole neoplastic bone formation), that more consideration should be given avian leukosis to the identification of this disease which is customarily called. 6) In conclusion it can be said that thick-leg disease is essentially different from osteodystrophia fiborsa. The thing which forms the basis of the histological change is principally made up by the intra and extra medullary neoplastic bone formation.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1967-12-31
小野 威
山極 三郎
井上 睦
山極 三郎
小野 威
井上 睦
小野 威
山極 三郎
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