- 論文の詳細を見る
In foreign language learning, there is no question as to the importance of having enough vocabulary in the target language. Then, how much vocabulary is necessary? Schmitt (2000) mentions that acquiring 2,000 word families seems to be the most commonly cited initial goal for second language learners, and Nation (2001) claims that around 2,000 word families can provide over 95% coverage of spoken language. However, there are few empirical studies about how much vocabulary is necessary for listening comprehension. Imai et al. (2005) suggest that a 3,000 word-level vocabulary could be a threshold for Japanese EFL learners to be able to comprehend authentic listening materials. Yoshimura et al. (2005) report that learners' listening ability and their vocabulary knowledge are related. This research tried to see if having students look up 2,000 base words or academic words in a dictionary is an effective teaching strategy to improve their scores on standardized English tests (TOEIC and CELT) and a Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT). The result showed that there was no significant difference in TOEIC and CELT scores between the group checking 2,000 base words and the group checking academic words. Next, the scores of two groups, namely the group whose TOEIC score rose and the group whose TOEIC score fell, were extracted and analyzed to see the vocabulary levels of each group at the beginning of the course and at the term-end of the course. The results revealed that the group whose TOEIC scores rose improved their 3,000 word-level scores most along with their rising CELT scores, but the group whose TOEIC scores fell had not obtained even a 2,000 word-level vocabulary at the early stage of the course work. These results suggest that it is important for EFL learners to master the 2,000 word-level vocabulary as quickly as possible and then to learn the words in the 3,000 word-level.
- 同志社女子大学の論文
- 2007-03-31
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