リスニング指導における映像情報の効果 : TVニュースをもとに(予備実験)
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When learners practice listening comprehension using video materials in EFL in the classroom, how much do these visual images affect learners' comprehension and what strategies do learners actually use in listening visual images? This study examined 246 Japanese female junior college students on two hypotheses for listening comprehension using documentary-type news material: 1) different types of visual information in video material will effect learners' listening comprehension differently; and 2) learners will apply various listening strategies to comprehend what they watch depending on their listening ability. Our findings were: 1) visual information closely matching the speech information enhances learners' comprehension more than visual information that does not match speech information; and 2) low-level learners tend to rely on visual images to get information while watching news material more than upper-level learners.
- 外国語教育メディア学会の論文
今井 由美子
枝澤 康代
枝澤 康代
吉村 満知子
吉村 満知子
枝澤 康代
西川 邦子
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