Self-organizing Clustering : Non-hierarchical Clustering for Large Scale DNA Sequence Data(Database/Software Paper)
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Recently, clustering has been recognized as an important and fundamental method that analyzes and classifies large-scale sequence data to provide useful information. We developed a novel clustering method designated as Self-organizing clustering (SOC) that uses oligonucleotide frequencies for large-scale DNA sequence data. We implemented SOC as a command-line program package, and developed a server that provides access to it enabling visualization of the results. SOC effectively and quickly classifies many sequences that have low or no homology to each other. The command-line program is downloadable at The on-line web site is publicly accessible at The common gateway interface (CGI) for the server is also provided within the package.
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2007-03-15
仲下 英雄
Nakamura Hidemitsu
Div. Of Genome And Biodiversity Res. National Inst. Of Agrobiological Sciences
School of Library and Information Science, University of Tsukuba
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
School of Library and Information Science, University of Tsukuba
National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
School of Library and Information Science, University of Tsukuba
Amano Kou
School Of Library And Information Science University Of Tsukuba:national Institute Of Agrobiological
Nakamura Hidemitsu
Department Of Plant Biotechnology National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Onodera Natsuo
School Of Library And Information Science University Of Tsukuba
Ichikawa Hiroaki
Department Of Plant Biotechnology National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Nagamura Yoshiaki
National Institute Of Agrobiological Resources
Fukami-kobayashi Kaoru
School Of Library And Information Science University Of Tsukuba:riken Bioresource Center
仲下 英雄
Division Of Genome And Biodiversity Research National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Nagamura Yoshiaki
Division Of Genome And Biodiversity Research National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
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