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Silica (SiO_2) thin film was synthesized using organic silane compound by a Low Pressure Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition. Triethyl orthosilicate (TRIES) was used as source material. Operation conditions: pressure: 1~100 Torr at outlet of the reactor, temperature: 600~900℃. The experimental results showed that the high reaction temperature and high source gas concentration lead to higher growth rate of SiO_2, and better step coverage on micro scale trenches. We propose a reaction model in which the source gas polymerizes and produces origomers (dimer, trimer, tetramer etc.), the origomers diffuse and condense on the solid surface. The condensed origomers flow into the trenches and then reaction takes place to realize good step coverage films. The chemical species in gas phase at the outlet of reactor tube were analyzed by quadrapole mass spectrometer. The peaks, assigned to be monomer, dimer of source gas and heavier molecules, were observed at 650℃ or 700℃. At higher temperature (900℃), the peaks of heavy molecules disappear, because the almost all of source gas and intermediate (highly polymerized origomer) molecules are oxidized or condensed on colder tube walls.
- 九州大学の論文
- 1997-12-15
秋山 泰伸
秋山 泰伸
佐藤 恒之
金 炳勲
金 炳勲
岡崎 竜馬
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