反応工学に基づく「化学気相成長法による成膜過程」の解析(2004年度 新任教員研究紹介)
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Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) is fundamental technique for processing of thin film and fine powder. However, there were few tools to model and to clear the reaction process on the thermal CVD process, so a lot of industrial resources have been expended for investigating optimum operating condition. I constructed the method for modeling CVD process and could quantitatively explain the growth rates in the reactor and the film shape grown on the micro-scale roughness. These methods for analyzing and modeling CVD is useful to find optimum operating condition and to design CVD rector for synthesizing objective film on the desk, because we can predict the growth rate in the practical reactor and on the micro-scale roughness without practical experiments.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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- 反応工学に基づく「化学気相成長法による成膜過程」の解析(2004年度 新任教員研究紹介)
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