妊娠による筋や靭帯の荷重労働が姿勢調整能力に及ぼす影響 : 重心動揺試験による評価
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Enlargement to the uterus accompanying fetal growth causes shortening of the erector muscles of the spine, and anterior movement of the gravity center line induces a decrease in the strength of antigravity muscles. We determined gravity center oscillation in an upright posture in pregnant women and made comparisons according to the period of pregnancy to clarifythe influence of load due to pregnancy on the ability to adjust posture. The following results were obtained: 1. There was no difference in the mean tracing distance of gravity center oscillation between pregnant and non-pregnant women according to age, and the value decreased during the course of pregnancy. 2. There was no increase in the peripheral area (ofthe uterus) as the pregnancy proceeded. 3. The longitudinal and horizontal distances tended to increase as the pregnancy went from the early to the middle and finally the late stage. 4. As a result of comparing the ratio of the length of the Y axis to the length of the X axis among gestational periods, the horizontal oscillation was found to increase with the duration of pregnancy. These results provide no evidence of a decrease in the stability of gravity center oscillation resulting from load on muscles and ligaments due to pregnancy.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1994-03-31
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