中世英文学の女性像(3) : チョーサアの女性達(その二)
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In the previous paper we have made a rather general survey on Chaucer's position in the Middle English literature as well as a special inquiry into some characteristics of Troilus and Criseyde which is one of the masterpieces of Medieval romance. Chaucer first began this long epic with an intention of making it a most beautiful and impressive tragical poem of courtly love, but as he proceeded with his writing, the heroine of the story seems to have unexpectedly developed herself out of the author's original intention. Criseyde as heroine is considered to be a typically Chaucerian woman, being a young loving widow who is wellborn and wellbred with a sense of humour and self-respect, at least throughout the first three books. Yet later she is bound to betray her lover, Troilus, who has always been faithful to Criseyde according to the traditional rules of courtly love, even though merciless fortune forces her to leave her own country for Greece. In the last two books Criseyde is deseribed as a false woman because she has suddenly changed her mind and has become treacherous to noble Troilus. However, Chaucer himself as storyteller is making strenuous efforts to excuse her and to protect her against harsh criticisms or blames from the audience. And we are inclined to assume in this paper that that is an important point where Chaucer stops being a writer of the Medieval Age and that it is the way how he grows into a man of human interests in the twilight of English Renaissance literature too.
- 東京家政学院大学の論文
- 1979-05-01
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