学習過程における比較文化的研究(その1) : Kent大学との共同研究を中心として
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The aim of this paper was to find out underlying structures which determine the process of learning and social adaptation of college students. Subjects were required to answer the questions of MMCT, the outcomes of this battery were used to identyfy the structures. To find out the structures, I conducted the analysis of data by using factor analysis. Driect varimax method was employed to obtain factors and factor loading. Results of factor analysis 1. The first factor: The contribution of this factor was 6-84. And test items which had large positive factor loading were 1-item (.713), 2-item (.589), 7-item (.849), 17-item (.579), 18-item (.713), 33-item (.846), 38-item (.425), and 45-item (.796) A common characteristic in these items was the positive attitude of subjects in both learning process and social adaptation. Meanwhile, items which had large negative factor loadings… which indicated reverse direction… were 2-item (-.328), 32-item (-.612), 36-item (-.318), 46-item (-.318), and 48-item (-.487). A common characteristic in these items was not to evaluate subjects' effort but passively accept the event of environment in both learning process and social adaptation. So this factor reveals the positiveness of students' activities. 2. The second factor: The contribution of this factor was 6.129. Test items which had large positive loading in this factor were as follows: 5-item (.771), 10-item (.569), 12-item (.820), 25-item (.489), 26-item (.447), 27-item (.706), 29-item (.617), 41-item (.589), 47-item (.536). A common characteristic in these items was a lack of effort of students in both learning process and social adaptation. Test items which had large negative loading were as follows: 4-item (-.450), 30-item (-.779). 42-item (-.308), 44-item (-.403). A common characteristic in these items was that students thought their life was determined by the chance, so their efforts did not play a major role in their life. As a result, this factor indicated the lack of efforts. 3. The third factor: The contribution of this factor was 4.869. Test items which had large positive loading in this factor were as follows: 2-item (.417), 3-item (.423), 11-item (.462), 14-item (.789), 15-item (.602), 26-item (.474), 31-item (.448), 34-item (.452), 47-item (.615) and so on. A common characteristic in this factor was students' negative aspect to their environment. To be more precise, students who got high scores in these items would refuse to act positively. There was no large negative factor loading in this factor. 4. The fourth factor: The contribution of this factor was 3.328. Test items which had large positive loading in this factor were as follows: 8-item (.749), 19-item (.563), 28-item (.653), 40-item (.701). A common characteristic in these items was that students thought their success or failure of both learning attainment and social adaptation was accidental. Or the factor was to recognize the nature of chance. Test items which had large negative loading were 43-item (-.398) and 44-item (-.386). As a a result, this factor indicates the recognition of chance in their life. 5. The fifth factor: The contribution of this factor was 3.598. Test items which had large positive loading in this factor were as follows: 16-item (.641), 18-item (0.491), 20-item(.408), 32-item (.575), 46-item (.722). A common characteristic in these items was that students recognized the effects of their learning rusults came from their luck rather than their efforts. And their friendships also came by chance. 6. The sixth factor: The contibution of this factor was 2.862. Test items which had large positive loading were as follows, 6-item (.576), 11-item (.418), 41-item (.542), 43-item (.592). A common characteristic in these items was that these items were concerning with learning process of subjects and they recognized that learning ability was an important element to succeed. Test items which had large negative factor were as follows: 31-item (-.324), 37-item (-.480) and so on. These items indicate social interests of students. In other words, this factor indicates self-confidence of students.
- 東京家政学院大学の論文
- 1979-05-01
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