果実酒の熟成(第I報) : 梅酒およびレモン酒における糖の転化
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Japanese plum liquor, so-called ume-shu, is one of refreshing drinks, and is very popular among Japanese families. The liquor usually comes to full maturity after three to four month preservation of the fruit in a white liquor with an apropriate amount of sugar, presenting unique flavor and aroma, which must be partially ascribed to the constitutional change of the sugar, along with the acidic and aromatic constituents. Chemical transformation of the sugar, which is more than 99% pure sucrose, can be monitored polarimetrically. Thus, it was shown that the fine granulated sugar was inverted to an extent of about 70% in 50 days and almost completely within 100 to 130 days after the preservation was started, and that the final pH value of the liquor was 3.6. Comparative study on the invert sugar formation using lemon slices instead of Japanese plum fruit, has shown that sucrose was hydrolized about 50% in 50 days and that the final pH value of the lemon liquor was 3.2. The greater invertion rate for the plum fruit liquor formation at slightly higher pH value might imply the presence of some inverting enzyme (invertase) in the Japanese plum fruit. Further studies on liquor formation using other kinds of fruits are now in progress.
- 東京家政学院大学の論文
- 1978-05-01
- 果実酒の熟成(第IV報) : プラム酒における研究
- 果実酒の熟成(第I報) : 梅酒およびレモン酒における糖の転化
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