Effect of Ambient Pressure on Micro-Explosion of an Emulsion Droplet Evaporating on a Hot Surface
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An experimental study has been carried out to reveal the statistical characteristics for the onset of micro-explosion of an emulsion droplet evaporating on a hot surface. The measurements are made of the waiting time for the onset of micro-explosion at various ambient pressures, base fuels, water contents and surface temperatures. The Weibull analysis is applied to obtain the distribution function of the waiting time for the onset of micro-explosion and to derive the empirical formula for the rate of micro-explosion as a function of the water volume and emulsion temperature. The results show that the waiting time is correlated well with the Weibull distribution of the wear-out type. The waiting time decreases with an increase in the ambient pressure, the saturation temperature of base fuel, the water content and the surface temperature. An empirical formula is proposed for the rate of micro-explosion as a function of the water volume and emulsion temperature.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2006-11-15
瀬川 大資
瀬川 大食
Tanaka Hajime
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
Segawa Daisuke
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Segawa Daisuke
Department Of Fermentation Technology Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
KADOTA Toshikazu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University
Kadota Toshikazu
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Kadota Toshikazu
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Hioshima University
Osaka Prefecture University
Nakaya Shinji
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
College of Industrial Technology, Ninon University
Tanaka Hajime
Department Of Mechanical Engineering Osaka Prefecture University
Tanaka Hajime
Department Of Applied Physics And Applied Mechanics Institute Of Industrial Science University Of To
Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Utsunomiya University
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- 321 メタン噴流拡散火炎に及ぼすメタン噴出速度の周期変動の影響
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- Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter
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- 515 高融点燃料液滴の自発着火および燃焼に及ぼす初期液滴直径の影響
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