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Ecosystems of the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands have been greatly affected by invasive species. Moreover, it is likely that additional pest plants will be introduced and become established. The weed risk assessment (WRA) systems for predicting potential pest plants have been developed for the non-indigenous floras of Australia and New Zealand. The Hawaiian WRA system, which is a modification of the Australian and New Zealand system, successfully identified most pest plants and many non-pest plants in the Bonin Islands; therefore, it is applicable for assessing the invasiveness of each plant species prior to introduction to the Islands, and thereby provides a rationale to impose a regional quarantine. The accumulated information of assessed species, especially biological characteristics, could be useful for the adequate management of introduced plant species. Aside from risk assessment of the species that have not yet been introduced in an area, risk assessment could be done for prioritizing control and/or eradication programs of invasive plants that are already present in an area. The New Zealand Department of Conservation has developed and implemented two methods for managing invasive weeds: weed-led control and site-led control. The weed-led control method has been used to determine priorities for eradicating or containing a species within a defined area, at an early stage of establishment. The site-led control method aims at protecting the high conservation values of particular places, based upon the biodiversity values, the level and urgency of threat, the weed species present, and the practicality of control. A comprehensive and objective risk assessment system will allow us to refine weed management plan and make rational use of the limited funds available for conservation action.
- 首都大学東京の論文
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