日本産ウミニナ属の 1 新種
- 論文の詳細を見る
Batillaria flectosiphonata n. sp. is described from the Iriomote Island, the Nansei Islands, Japan. It is the fifth species known of the genus Batillaria (Gastropoda : Batillariidae) in the Indo-Western Pacific. It differs from all of the Japanese species of Batillaria, B. zonalis, B. multiformis and B. cummingi by having a distorted and deeply concave collumella and a siphonal canal which is reflected to the left. In the features of collumella and siphon, it resembles Batillaria solida (Gmelin), but differs from the latter species in having more slender and thinner shell with distinct axial ribs, and also by having radular ribbon with different-shaped lateral tooth.
- 日本貝類学会の論文
- 1996-09-30
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- 宮崎県青島地域に分布する上部中新統-下部鮮新統宮崎層群の層序と軟体動物化石群
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- シャミセンガイの遺伝的変異(生きている化石)
- 3 宮城県青島地域に分布する上部中新統宮崎層群の層序と軟体動物化石群
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- 21.シボリガイの分類学的再検討(日本貝類学会平成16年度大会(東京)研究発表要旨)
- 501 三重県の中新統阿波層群産のケトテリウム類化石とその意義