- 論文の詳細を見る
Various flower organ parts of Haworthia (Liliaceae) were cultured. Adventitious and new flower buds were formed on calli which were derived from explants. Flower bud formation was affected by the size and variety of explants. Eight species, two form and one hybrid, i. e. H. altilinea, H. angustifolia, H. arachnoidea, H. bilineata, H. chloracantha, H. cymbiformis, H. fasciata, H. fasciata f. browniana, H. planifolia f. alata, H. retusa (type A, type B, type C) and H. truncata ×H. cuspidata (F_1), were used as the materials. Their flower organ parts were cultured on MS media containing NAA and Kinetin. Adventitious flower buds were directly formed on the calli induced without any shoots in five species and one hybrid (Table 1). Perianth segments showed the most frequently adventitious flower bud formation. Stamens (filaments) and pistils also showed the adventitious flower bud formation, though their regeneration frequency was low. When pedicels, bracts and receptacles were used as the explants, flower bud formation was not observed. Adventitious flower buds were usually regenerated from calli which were formed within two to three weeks after initiation of culture. After four or five weeks cultivation, other flower buds were regenerated on other areas of explants (Fig. 1). Shepe of flower represented many various morphoses in flowers with or without peduncle, number of perianths, stemens, pistils and capsules, or pollen fertility. Some flowers were formed from regenerated roots, shoots and inocurated perianth itself (Fig. 2). The sexualities of the flowers were bisexual, male, female or asexual (Fig. 3). When the perianths were divided into two, three or four equal peaces before cultivation, flower bud formation was not observed in the quarter perianth segments. In the half and trisection perianth segments, the basal portion of the perianth was better than the tip one in the regeneration.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1994-12-15
天野 實
小西 達夫
国立科学博物館 筑波実験植物園
本橋 強
東京農大 農
伊神 光男
天野 實
本橋 強
小西 達夫
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