Aloe bellaturaの雄ずいの組織培養
- 論文の詳細を見る
Calli formations from stamens of Aloe bellatura Reynolds (2n=14) were observed under various culture conditions. When anthers without filaments and one halves of anthers transversely cut in two, both taken from flowers at different stage of pollen formation, tetrad stage, uninucleate stage and binucleate stage, were cultured on RM-1965 (Linsmaier & Skoog 1965) added with NAA or Kinetin, calli were scarcely formed (Tables 1 and 2). However, stamens taken from flowers at different stages of pollen formation formed calli rather often. Induction of calli in filaments of stamens cultured on RM-1965 added with 2.0ppm NAA, 1.0ppm Kinetin, and 3% sucrose showed the highest percentage (83.3%). However, the concentration of sucrose and additions of yeast extract, casamino acids and myoinositol to the subtratum showed no distinct effects on calli formation in stamens of Aloe bdlatura. Chromosome numbers were counted in roots formed on the callus induced from an anther and filament taken from a flower at binucleate stage of pollen formation. Chromosome numbers were 2n=14 or 28, and chromosomal structure 4L+3S was not changed.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
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