Development of in situ Processed Nb_3Sn Superconducting Wires for High Field Applications(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
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High field superconducting properties of in situ processed Nb_3Sn wires were investigated. Titanium or tantalum was alloyed in the in situ Cu-Nb ingots during its melting and casting, then the ingots were used for wire fabrication by the external tin plating method. The most effective result was obtained in the case of 4wt% tantalum addition in Nb, and its critical current density in high magnetic field was improved. The values of upper critical field, B_<c2>^*, of the unalloyed and the alloyed Nb_3Sn wires were 17.4T and 20.8T, respectively.
- 東北大学の論文
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Watanabe Kazuo
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
GOTO Kenya
Department of Information and Communication Technology Tokai University
Goto K
Department Of Information And Communication Technology Tokai University
Fujikura Ltd.
Fujikura Ltd.
SAITO Takashi
Materials Science & Technology Research Center for Industrial Creation, The Institute of Scientific
Kohno O
Fujikura Ltd.
Kohno Osamu
Materials Research Laboratory, Fujikura Ltd.
Sadakata Nobuyuki
Materials Research Laboratory, Fujikura Ltd.
Sugimoto Masaru
Materials Research Laboratory, Fujikura Ltd.
Goto Kenji
Materials Research Laboratory, Fujikura Ltd.
Sugimoto Masaru
Materials Research Laboratory Fujikura Ltd.
Saito T
Kyoto Inst. Technol. Kyoto Jpn
Saito Takashi
Materials Department Toyota Central Research & Development Laboratories Inc.
Institute for Matererials Research, Tohoku University
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