Enantioselective Recognition of Tartaric Acid on Magnetoelectrodeposited Copper Film Electrodes
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-11-05
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Matererials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Matererials Research, Tohoku University
- Optical Investigation of the Magnetic Excitations in Two- Dimensional Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnets
- Optical Investigation of the Soliton in the One-Dimensional Ising-Like Antiferromagnet CsCoCl_3.II
- Magnetic Properties of Weak Itinerant Electron Ferromagnet CoVSb
- Experimental Observation of Magnetic Fluctuations in NBI Heated Plasmas in CHS
- Optical Investigations of YbCrO_3 under High Magnetic Fields. II. Cr^-Yb^ Two-Exciton Absorption
- Optical Investigations of YbCrO_3 under High Magnetic Fields. I. Yb^ Absorption Spectra
- 17-P-40 Effect of Magnetic Field on Thermal Comvection of Glass Melt
- P-88 Collaborative work to evaluate toxicity on male reproductive organs by repeated dose studies in rats : Testicular toxicity of 2-or 4-week repeated or single-dose administration of a novel Platinum Complex(Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting)
- O12-07 Time Course Changes of Sorbitol Dehydrogenase. Glutamate Dehydrogenase, 5'-Nucleotidase and Total Serum Bile Acids During Acute Liver Injury in Rat
- Suppression of Growth Instability in Electropolymerization of Pyrrole
- The Anisotropy of Transport Critical Current Densities in Tl_2Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_x Thin Films under Magnetic Fields up to 20 T
- Control of Thermal Convection in Water by Strong Gradient Magnetic Fields
- Alignment and Orientation of Diamagnetic Materials under Magnetic Levitation Condition : General Physics
- Fabrication of low cost YBCO coated conductor using Ag-clad Hastelloy substrate
- Evaporation of Silver during Chelnical Vapor Deposition Process for Yba_2Cu_3O_7 and its Effect on Microstructure : Superconductors
- E-J Characteristics and Distribution of Local J_c for Melt-Textured Grown Bulk YBa_2Cu_3O_7 under High Magnetic Fields : Superconductors
- Magnetoelectropolymerization Effects on Hydrogen Evolution from a Polypyrrole Electrode
- New Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Process in a High Magnetic Field for YBa_2Cu_3O_7
- Preparation of YBa_2Cu_3O_ films by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition in a high magnetic field
- Containerless Melting of Glass by Magnetic Levitation Method
- 磁気電解重合によるポリピロール膜のドーパント制御
- 15 T Cryocooled Nb_3Sn Superconducting Magnet with a 52 mm Room Temperature Bore
- Magnetic Field Effects on the Current Oscillations in Anodic Zinc Dissolution
- Formation of Mono-variant L 1_0 Structure on Ordering of FePd under Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic-Field-Induced Deactivation of Polypyrrole Films in Repeated Rodox Cycles
- A Morphological Study of Electroless Deposition in High Magnetic Fields(Crystal Growth, Chemical Reaction and Biology)
- Dense Radial Growth of Silver Metal Leaves in a High Magnetic Field
- Response of a Living Body to 8-Tesla Magnetic Field(Crystal Growth, Chemical Reaction and Biology)
- Magnetic-Field-Induced Diffusion-Limited-Aggregation in Electrodeposition
- Magneto-Absorption Spectra of One-Dimensional Ising Antiferromagnets in High Magnetic Fields(Magnetooptics)
- High Field Magnetooptics of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors(Magnetooptics)
- High-Field Magneto-Luminescence in Cd_Mn_Se under High Pressures at 4.2 K
- New Electronic Excitation at the Boundary of Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Phases in the One-Dimensional Ising Antiferromagnet CsFeCl_3・2H_2O
- Magnetic Field Effect on Electron Transfer Process in Electrochemical Reaction(Crystal Growth, Chemical Reaction and Biology)
- High-Field Magnetic Torque Measurement in the Spin Gap System (CH_3)_2CHNH_3CuCl_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Cu-NMR Study on Field-Induced Phase Transitions in Quantum Spin Magnet NH_4CuCl_3(Magnetization Plateaus, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- The Two-Phase Coexistent Region in Nd_Sr_MnO_3
- The Two-Phase Coexistent Region in Nd_Sr_MnO_3
- Temperature and Magnetic Field Dependence of the Coexistent Phases in La_Ca_xMnO_ (x=0.47, 0.49)
- Development of High Field Heat-Treatment Equipment and Relevant Applications
- Chirality of Magnetoelectropolymerized Polyaniline Electrodes
- Magnetic Properties of Some Triangular Trinuclear Complexes of [Ru_2M(μ-CH_3COO)_6(μ_3-O)(py)_3]^ with a Paramagnetic Ion M
- Magnetic Properties of Some Triangular Trinuclear Complexes of [Ru_2M(μ-CH_3COO)_6(μ_3O)(py)_3]^ with a Diamagnetic Ion M
- Mixed Chromium(III)-Ruthenium(III) Trinuclear Complex, [CrRu_2(μ_3-O)(μ-CH_3COO)_6(pyridine)_3]^+
- High Field Magnetooptics of a Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Cd_Co_xSe
- Far-Infrared Electron Spin Resonance of Cd_Co_xM (M=Te and Se) in High Magnetic Fields
- 磁場によるポリピロ-ルの自発的ド-パント交換過程の制御
- Magnetoelectropolymerization Effects on Redox Behavior of Ferricyanide Incorporated in Polypyrrole Films
- Dimensional Crossover Effect of Pinning in YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Films
- Dimensional Crossover Effect in J_c Characteristics of Chemical Vapor Deposition Processed YBa_2Cu_3O_ Films
- Study of Resistive Superconducting Transition in YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Films(High-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Critical Current Properties and Microstructures in CVD-Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Films(High-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Anisotropic Behavior Critical Current Density and Magnetic Relaxation in High-J_c YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Films : III-B Flux-Line Dynamics : III Oxide Superconductors, Experiments III : Superconducting State
- Critical Current Criterion in High-T_c Superconducting Films
- Superconducting Properties of Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ MOCVD Films under High Magnetic Fields(High-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Superconducting Properties and Strain Effects in High Fields for Bronze-Processed Multifilamentary (Nb, Ti)_3Sn Wires and Composite-Processed Ultrafine Filament Nb_3Al Wires(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Magnetic Instability in High-J_c Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_7 Prepared by Quench-Melt-Growth Process
- Critical Current Density and Its Hysteresis in Magnetic Field for Ba-Y-Cu-O Films Prepared by a Sputtering Technique
- P-3 Time-Course Changes of Canine Serum Sorbitol Dehydrogenase, Glutamil Acid Dehydrogenase, 5'-Nucleaotidase and Total Bile Acid During Acute Liver lnjury after Carbon Tetrachloride Administration(Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting)
- Conventional Magnetic Field Sensor(Transport and Fermiology)
- Ettingshausen and Nernst Effects of QMG-YB_a2Cu_3O_ in Magnetic Fields up to 14 T
- Novel Electrochemical Phenomena in Magnetic Fields(Research in High Magnetic Fields)
- Ettingshausen and Nernst effects in mixed state of YBa_2Cu_3O_(High Field Superconductors)
- Stress/Strain Effects in Advanced Superconducting Wires(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- An Attempt to Produce a Long Superconducting NbN Wire by the Reactive Sputtering Method(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Transport Properties of Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_x/Ag Multifilamentary Tape
- High Field Properties of Superconducting Y_xBa_Cu-Oxides
- Development of Liquid Helium-Free Superconducting Magnet
- Correlated Pinning Behavior in ErBa_2Cu_3O_y Films with Columnar Defects
- Effects of BaMO_3 (M = Zr, Sn) Nanorods on Critical Temperature of ErBa_2Cu_3O_y Films
- Development of in situ Processed Nb_3Sn Superconducting Wires for High Field Applications(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Magnetic Field Dependence of Critical Current Density for Silver Sheathed Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_x Wires(High-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- The High Field Magnetic Dependence of Critical Current Density at 4.2 K for Ag-Sheathed Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_y Superconducting Tape
- (Nb, Ti)_3Sn Superconducting Magnet Operated at 11 K in Vacuum Using High-T_c (Bi, Pb)_2Sr_2Ca_2Cu_3O_ Current Leads
- Optical anisotropy of carbon nano-fiber/silica composite films prepared under high magnetic field
- Current-Carrying Capacity of YBa2Cu3O7-Coated Conductors for a 30 T Superconducting Magnet
- Anisotropy of the Critical Current Density and Intrinsic Pinning Behaviors of YBa2Cu3Oy Coated Conductors
- Microspheres of Tellurite Glass Formed by Evaporation–Condensation Process under High Magnetic Field
- Compact Design of a 30 T Superconducting Magnet Incorporating YBa2Cu3O7 Coated Conductor Tapes and Pre-reacted Nb3Sn Strand Cables
- SEM study of cracks evolution versus room temperature multiple bending treatment of Nb_3Sn wires
- High Field Properties of Ag-Sheathed Bi(2223) Superconducting Wires and Coils(High-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Chiral Electrode Behavior of Magneto-electrodeposited Silver Films
- Field Dependence of J_c for Filamentary Eu123 Superconductors
- High Field Properties of Superconducting Nb_3Ge Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Recent Progress of Advanced High Field Superconducting Materials(Low-T_c Superconducting Materials Research)
- Field Dependence of J_c for F-Doped Hg1223 Filament
- High Field Characteristics of Critical Current Densities in High-T_c Superconducting Films and Wires(High Field Superconductors)
- Magnetic Alignment of Poly(L-lactic acid) Containing a Nucleating Agent
- Magnetoelectropolymerization Effects on Redox Behavior of Ferricyanide Incorporated in Polypyrrole Films
- Collapse of Magnetic Order of the Quasi One-Dimensional Ising-Like Antiferromagnet BaCo
- Enantioselective Recognition of Tartaric Acid on Magnetoelectrodeposited Copper Film Electrodes
- Non-electrochemical Nanobubble Formation in Ferricyanide/Ferrocyanide Redox Reaction by the Cyclotron Effect under a High Magnetic Field
- Pressure-Composition Isotherm in a Magnetic Field for the Metal-Hydrogen System
- Chirality of Magnetoelectropolymerized Polyaniline Electrodes
- Microbubble Formation from Ionic Vacancies in Copper Electrodeposition under a High Magnetic Field