高等学校の成績およびA大学入学試験の種別と入学後の学習成果との関連性について(第2報) : 看護学士課程に焦点をあてて
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among the records from the high school, records of the entrance examination and records during the baccalaureate nursing program about the students who entered the A college. The subjects were 175 students who entered the school on 2000 and 2001. The records during nursing program for two years were used for data. A leaving a school person was removed. The result was as follows : Although correlation of the records between the high school and the entrance examination wasn't seen, the records between nursing program and the entrance examination was seen. The English records during nursing program of the recommendation entered student were lower in some thought than the student who entered a school in the way of selecting others. Correlation of the records during nursing program wasn't seen among the individual personal interview and the group personal interview. Poor correlation was seen in the short essay examination and some of the records during nursing program. As for the subject test records of the entrance examination, correlation with the records during nursing program was seen in some subjects. But, a tendency couldn't be found between those subjects.
- 天使大学の論文
- 2003-03-31
山口 敦子
Nakamura Gakuen College
山口 敦子
荒川 義人
大野 和美
矢野 理香
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