成人看護学急性期領域の実習における看護技術教育の検討(第2報) : 実習前技術演習を取り入れたことによる変化
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This study aims to understand the effects of changes in the approaches to clinical practice, specifically the introduction of skills exercises beforehand, on students' performance of nursing skills in the area of acute adult nursing in College A. Comparisons were made between the seniors of this school year (2004-2005), who had skills exercises prior to clinical practice, and those of school year (2003-2004) who did not. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 87 seniors at College A after the completion of each group's clinical practice. The response rate was 68 percent. The survey result was compared to the result of last year for analysis. The findings are as follows: 1. The nursing skills which 60 percent or more of the students were able to perform were five "post-operative" skill items, an increase of three items from the previous school year. On the other hand, the skills which only 30 percent or less of the students were able to perform were 10 items in the "pre-operative" category, up one item from the previous school year, and 23 items in the "post-operative" category, down one from the previous school year. 2. In seven items, the number of students who were able to perform the skills increased by 10 percent or more compared with the previous school year. Of the seven items, a significant difference from the previous year was found only in electrocardiogram monitor. In four items, the rate of performance by the students decreased by 10 percent or more. It is clear from the above that for more students to be able to perform nursing skills, it is necessary to introduce other methods to give them more opportunities to perform those skills in addition to the skills exercises prior to clinical practice.
- 天使大学の論文
- 2005-09-30
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