- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to examine temporal changes of the Kuroshio, the observation was carried out twice on March 1-4 and March 7-10, 1997 along three sections across the Kuroshio in the East China Sea by T/V Keitenmaru of Kagoshima University. Two of these sections were located in the continental slope region and one in the Tokara Strait. Horizontal shifts of the surface temperature front (hereafter, called the Kuroshio front) were closely related to those of the position of the maximum surface velocity (hereafter, called the Kuroshio axis) in all cross-sections. However, the former varied with a several times (1.8~7) larger amplitude than the latter. The Kuroshio in the Tokara Strait was focused on, because the Kuroshio axis shifted northward with the large distance of 60km during 8 days. The vertical structure of the Kuroshio in the strait was characterized by the upper- and lower-interfaces. The maximum tilt of the lower-interface geographically corresponded to the Kuroshio axis. On the other hand, the outcropping of the upper-interface corresponded to the Kuroshio front. Since the structure of the lower-interface changed little during the northward migration of the Kuroshio, the surface velocity at the Kuroshio axis was maintained. The structure of the upper-interface changed significantly, and this resulted in the horizontal shift of the Kuroshio front with a twice larger amplitude than the Kuroshio axis. These observations suggest that the fluctuation of the Kuroshio axis is dynamically different from that of the Kuroshio front.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1997-12-24
市川 洋
内山 正樹
吉永 圭輔
中村 啓彦
市川 洋
茶圓 正明
嶋田 起宣
市川 洋
Institute Of Observational Research For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Tech
中村 啓彦
Ichikawa Hiroshi
Institute Of Observational Research For Global Change Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Tech
内山 正樹
鹿児島大 水産
吉永 圭輔
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- 黒潮変動の観測と予測 (特集:海洋研究--人類の未来のために)
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- 海洋表層混合層厚微細分布と混合層底面での鉛直熱輸送
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- 海底構造物によって誘起される人工湧昇流の可視化実験
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- 鹿児島湾口山川港沖における噴気孔の確認およびその探索手法
- Variation of the southward interior flow of the North Pacific subtropical gyre, as revealed by a repeat hydrographic survey
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- 密度成層流における人工湧昇流の可視化実験
- 海底構造物によって誘起される人工湧昇流の可視化実験
- 30. 鹿児島大学(第3章 会員が所属する海洋研究調査機関)
- 6.5.2. IES(6.5. 音響計測)(6. 海洋計測学)(第2章 我が国の海洋科学の進歩)
- 鹿児島湾口山川港沖における噴気孔の確認およびその探索手法